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Green Plains Introduces Truly Disruptive Glucose Technology at Iowa Plant

Green Plains Introduces Truly Disruptive Glucose Technology at Iowa Plant


Ethanol producer Green Plains is preparing to open a first-of-its-kind facility at its dry corn flour mill in Shenandoah, Iowa, and claims it can produce glucose at commercial scale with significantly lower capital intensity. . % reduction in carbon footprint compared to standard wet milling processes.

The facility is mechanically complete and in the commissioning phase, with customer deliveries beginning in the second quarter of 2024.

The U.S. hasn't seen a new wet corn mill in years, Green Plains SVP Anand Sundaresan told AgFunderNews. It's very capital intensive.we have a process [clean sugar technology, developed by subsidiary Fluid Quip Technologies] This allows glucose to be produced with much lower carbon intensity and much lower capital intensity.

And we think it's going to be really disruptive to support the food industry as well. [for bakery, confectionery etc] and for a growing bioeconomy [dextrose is used as the primary feedstock for precision fermentation].

Fluid Quip Technology

Green Plains, one of the nation's leading ethanol producers, has dry corn milling plants across the U.S., with one in Shenandoah being retrofitted with Fluid Quips clean sugar technology. A portion of the corn grinding will be diverted to glucose production, Sundaresan said. he told AgFunderNews.

Fluid Quip had two very innovative technologies. The first one is called MSC [Maximized Stillage Co-Products]a byproduct of the ethanol production process, can be upgraded and scaled up into so-called corn fermented proteins, making them more bioavailable.

The MSC system captures yeast and high-value corn protein from the entire distillate stream, resulting in protein concentrations greater than 50%, which is valuable for certain animal feed markets. So over the past three years, we've invested a significant amount of money into refurbishing or adding to this technology to enable the production of this protein.

But the second technology, which I believe is truly disruptive, is Fluid Quips' clean sugar technology. This allows us to take some of the cornstarch out of the dry milling process and turn it into glucose with lower capital and carbon intensity.Wet corn mill, this is how all the big companies do it [such as Cargill and ADM] make glucose.

Clean Sugar Technology (CST) has the ability to overturn traditional ethanol economics and significantly increase profits. Green Plains February 2024 Investor Presentation

“We are rapidly negotiating dextrose agreements with multiple strategic customers. Interest has exceeded our already high expectations.Demand for glucose remains strong and we expect this facility to achieve food grade certification in the third quarter.''Todd Becker, Green Plains CEO. May 3, 2024

Green Plains, Iowa Shenandoah facility.Image credit Green Plains Simplified process

According to him, the wet milling process typically involves an initial soaking process followed by multiple grinding and separation processes (separation of germ, fiber and gluten), followed by starch liquefaction, saccharification, refining and evaporation processes. Glucose is obtained. Green Plains eliminates many steps in its clean sugar process, from grinding to liquefaction, fiber, oil and protein removal, saccharification, refining and evaporation.

Sundaresan said the wet process is much more complex and capital-intensive in that it separates each part of the corn into its component parts. The disadvantage is that multiple unit operations are required. Not all of these steps are completed before you get to the starch. Once the corn is liquefied, the focus is essentially on mechanical separation to remove the fiber, protein and oil, and break down the starch into simple sugars.

Don't End With Corn Gluten Meal or Differentiated Fiber Streams [as you would from a wet milling process] However, everything that is removed is returned to the ethanol facility. So from the factory we get ethanol, DDGS. [distiller’s dried grains with solubles, the co-product of dry-milled ethanol production] And corn oil is used to make renewable diesel. And if you introduce clean sugar technology into an ethanol plant that also has MSC technology, you will also have fermented corn protein for animal feed.

He added: “This is very exciting because this is the first time this technology is being operated on a commercial scale.” Appropriately repurposing a portion of the corn bushels sent to the ethanol plant, the company initially produced more than 200 million pounds of glucose per year, with opportunities to expand to 500 million pounds per year.

Food certification will take several months, but industrial users will be able to use the product soon, he said.

Demand for ethanol is cyclical and unstable. While glucose has its ups and downs, the use of glucose in fermentation and food and beverages is less volatile, which should lead to more stable profits for the company.

Glucose with 40% lower carbon footprint?

For buyers of glucose, from biomanufacturing companies that use glucose as an ingredient to bakeries and confectioners that use glucose as a sweetener, the carbon footprint of Green Plains products produced in wet corn flour mills The fact that it is 40% lower than glucose makes it attractive, as does many companies. Companies are committed to reducing their environmental footprint and reducing scope 3 emissions.

He declined to provide pricing details, but said costs were lower. Starch can be converted to glucose with much lower capital intensity.




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