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Google Search Claims New Victim: TripAdvisor Downgrades Outlook

Google Search Claims New Victim: TripAdvisor Downgrades Outlook


change take

TripAdvisor is often in trouble because Google has changed its search results page frequently over the years and Google has its own competing businesses. Recent changes appear to have hit TripAdvisor particularly hard.

Dennis Schaal

TripAdvisor gave a lackluster outlook for its main business overall, blaming the weakness on changes to Google's travel search results page.

TripAdvisor blamed Google's free organic search results. Trivago said last week that changes to Google's paid ad formats were also impacting its results.

TripAdvisor Chief Financial Officer Michael Noonan commented on the decline in travel demand from April to May during the company's first quarter earnings call on Wednesday. This was over a longer period of time than the typical updates we've seen before. ”

Changes to Google's search engine results page, which controls about 90% of searches by various accounts, began late last year and continued into the first quarter, officials said.

Given this pressure from Google, Noonan said of the second quarter:

Companywide consolidated sales are expected to be flat or “slightly higher” compared to the same period last year, and adjusted EBITDA margins are expected to decline by approximately 100 basis points. TripAdvisor's Hotel Metasearch (Branded TripAdvisor) revenue will decline from single digits to high single digits, and the decline in adjusted EBITDA margins will more than offset Viator and TheFork's profit improvement. Second-quarter revenue for TripAdvisor's tours and activities brand Viator is expected to be down “several percentage points” compared to 15% growth in gross bookings in the first quarter. Restaurant reservations platform TheFork will see “slower growth” due to Google's changes and the timing of the Easter holiday, with “low to mid-10x growth year over year.” Noonan said the company is taking a “more cautious view” on its full-year 2024 outlook given the expected trends in the second quarter. “We currently expect consolidated sales to grow in the low to mid-single digits and adjusted EBITDA to grow in the flat to low single digits.”

The conflict with Google comes after controlling shareholder Liberty TripAdvisor and TripAdvisor separately announced on Wednesday that a sale proposal received by Liberty in February would not result in a transaction.

Liberty TripAdvisor Chairman Greg Maffei said on the earnings call that discussions continue between Liberty TripAdvisor and TripAdvisor's special committee regarding “strategic alternatives.”

TripAdvisor stock was down nearly 30% at midday Wednesday.

Google problem

TripAdvisor did not elaborate on how the changes Google made to its travel search results page affected TripAdvisor's performance.

In recent months, Google's algorithm changes have led to a trend of de-indexing and penalizing websites that Google deems not providing high-value content. It is unclear whether it affected TripAdvisor.

trivago, which works with TripAdvisor to offer comparison shopping for hotels, highlighted the difficulty of dealing with changes to Google's ad formats, including increased use of carousels and less emphasis on text ads.

Google Sponsored Ads for Hotels. Source: Google/Skift

The European Union's Digital Markets Act also changed how travel search results are displayed on Google, but Goldberg said the DMA changes do not necessarily “correlate” with the negative impact Google is feeling. Stated.

Bright Spots on TripAdvisor

Officials said TripAdvisor's team is working to mitigate the negative impact from Google.

“When things change like this, it takes time to readjust,” Noonan said.

He said TripAdvisor is pleased with the progress it is making on other channels such as the TripAdvisor app and paid marketing efforts.

Goldberg agreed that although the TripAdvisor app has fewer users than other channels, it is doing well.

He added that TripAdvisor and Viator have an advantage because TripAdvisor is a partner of Google and TripAdvisor employees are in frequent discussions with Google.




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