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Qatar is a pioneer in technological change and innovation

Qatar is a pioneer in technological change and innovation


Doha, Qatar: Qatar has become one of the leading countries in investing in technology transformation and digital innovation, with the government adopting an ambitious digital strategy aimed at strengthening its digital economy.

Artificial intelligence and the Internet of Everything will drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution, significantly increasing productivity, efficiency, and flexibility. The fifth industrial revolution, or Industry 5.0, will incorporate sustainability and social responsibility to help create a transformation that puts people and the environment at the heart of the industry, he said at the “Industry 5.0'' meeting held on the sidelines of the Qatar Economic Forum. Stakeholders and experts discussed in a panel session entitled “5.0: Business and Investment Opportunities'' (QEF), provided by Bloomberg.

His Excellency Reem Mohamed Al Mansouri, Assistant Secretary for Digital and Industrial Affairs, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), shared the most important elements of Industry 5.0 to drive the development of Qatar's digital society and highlighted Industry 5.0 policies. .

The first policy we must consider is AI and data. Data is collected everywhere, including in AI modules and systems. We need policies that support having the right ethical AI modules, collecting data to prepare them to perform at their best, and protecting everyone's data. . Data is our future because we need all the possible data, she said.

The Ministry has launched the Digital Agenda Strategy for Qatar, with a focus on Industry 5.0, providing the best options and roadmap to harness the power of technology for Qatar's future and put the country on the international map. Everything is set. We are also currently working on national data management. This is one of the key things needed for 5.0 and we are in the process of developing legislation, frameworks and even a management roadmap for it, she added.

Mr. Al Mansoori stressed that the second most important part of the policy is the need to upskill and reskill Qatar's human capital. All the skills we have are really great and we have a very highly skilled workforce. We need to be ready for 5.0. The transition is happening very quickly. Therefore, you need to ensure that you upskill and reskill your human capital every 18 months.I need to revisit and reevaluate my digital skills.

The third important part is that it requires a lot of computing power, so you need machines and processors to process this huge amount of data. She said, “We need this supercomputer and this superpower and definitely Qatar has done a very good job of paving the way for her 5.0 by having cloud capacity.” I did. Buying a high-capacity processor should have great intentions and even consider the investment model in Qatar. Qatar's need for computer processing power will increase tenfold over the next 18 months. The Ministry is focused on making sure that we are the first adopters to Her 5.0.

We need to be innovative, we need to be pioneers. Our country is one of the first countries to launch an AI strategy and work on frameworks, policies, and ethics.

Citing the announcement of one of the most innovative projects in AI during QEF 2024's opening speech, he pointed out that Qatar is one of the few countries taking the lead in this field. If you look around, not many countries have announced strategies or frameworks yet, but Qatar is really leading the way and we are moving forward innovatively and courageously.

Mohammed Al Sada, Assistant Professor at Qatar University. Director of KINDI Computing Research Center said: Industry 5.0 sees a paradigm shift, and these are the main aspects that are becoming the concept and present tense of Industry 5.0.

However, Industry 5.0 is still evolving and there are many uncertainties at this time.

We no longer use technology as a tool, but as a partner. As a result, collaboration with systems is progressing more and more. We are integrating these systems to use them for the greater good, including business and daily life applications, he added.

Rick Tarrant, GTL Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Qatar Shell, said Industry 5.0 is introducing technology to solve some of the biggest problems we have faced for generations. He said one of the issues is how to manage the energy transition in an environmentally sustainable manner.

At Shell, we believe we have an important role to play both in delivering today's energy and in doing so sustainably. It is also important to create new energy systems of the future that significantly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and carbon.

Technology plays a big role in that, he added.

Malomatia CEO Khalid Mohamed Al Kubaisi talks about the future and challenges of Industry 5.0 and technology




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