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Interswitch eClat Advances MedTech Innovation at Lagos Health Summit 5.0

Interswitch eClat Advances MedTech Innovation at Lagos Health Summit 5.0


Interswitch Equlat, the healthtech subsidiary of Interswitch Group, has reaffirmed its commitment to delivering quality healthcare services to Nigerians through innovative healthtech solutions.

The Vice President, Business Development and Sales, Interswitch eClat, Dr. Babajide Oyeduntan, disclosed this at the Lagos Health Summit 5.0 held recently at the MUSON Centre, Lagos.

The Lagos Health Summit is an annual conference that brings together medical professionals, policy makers and industry experts to discuss the latest trends and innovations in healthcare.

The theme of this year's event was “The Future of Wellness: Fostering Collaboration for Healthier Populations,” providing a platform for in-depth discussions and collaboration aimed at promoting healthier populations through innovative health tech solutions.

The summit featured a robust agenda of panel sessions and presentations aimed at inspiring participants and equipping them with the tools and knowledge to make a difference in the healthcare sector. Sponsored by Interswitch eClat, the Lagos Health Summit was attended by key stakeholders including healthcare professionals, policy makers, industry leaders and researchers.

In his keynote address, Oyeduntan highlighted the numerous benefits of telemedicine including streamlining operations, digitisation of patient records and creation of a centralised database for secure storage of medical history, treatment and test results. He said these advancements will enable patients to consult medical professionals remotely, ensuring continuous and accessible care.

He said, “The future of health depends on our ability to leverage technology to improve health outcomes. The adoption of technology in the healthcare system improves efficiency by streamlining operations, enhancing patient record management and enabling remote consultations. Telemedicine is crucial as it provides operational efficiencies and seamless payment solutions.”

“Interswitch eClat is at the forefront of this transformation, improving the quality of healthcare services in Nigeria and abroad. We are committed to driving these innovations to improve healthcare services for all.”

The Vice President further disclosed that Interswitch had recently launched the Smart Health Information Platform (SHIP) in collaboration with the Lagos State Government, saying the platform would enhance health services by providing an integrated system for accurate and up-to-date patient information accessible across various facilities, improving coordination and efficiency.

Digitization of medical records and administrative processes is expected to reduce paperwork and bureaucratic delays, allowing healthcare workers to focus more on patient care. Additionally, SHIP will reduce healthcare costs through an integrated payment system, ensure financial transparency, and reduce the risk of fraud and corruption within the healthcare system.

Oyeduntan also highlighted that Interswitch’s eClat platform is being used in federal and state medical centres across the country, as well as private hospitals.

Interswitch eClat is committed to transforming healthcare delivery in Nigeria and abroad. By leveraging the power of innovative health technology solutions, the company aims to create a more efficient, accessible and patient-centric healthcare ecosystem.





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