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Stafford County and Innovative Technology Center


Stafford, Virginia, May 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-Stafford County and the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) today held a ribbon-cut ceremony to officially establish the opening of a new Virginia Smart Community testbed. .. The testbed next to the Stafford Government Center on the 2143 Jefferson Davis Highway is the first in the Commonwealth. Testbeds are a way to test new technologies in the real world and drive faster innovation. This testbed helps push both Stafford and Virginia to the forefront of smart community adoption in the country and around the world.

“Innovation is the key to creating new jobs, driving economic growth and addressing our greatest challenges,” said Governor Ralph Northam. “This testbed will help build Virginia’s first smart community in Stafford County and act as a living laboratory for piloting smart city technology. It’s exactly what products and services are. A type of public-private partnership needed to make delivery more effective and efficient. Reduce our carbon footprint and improve the health and well-being of our community, our federation, and our country. To do.”

The smart community market will enter the fourth generation, moving from a one-time standalone prototype to a fully functional integrated system that addresses regional issues and supports growth and development. Adopting data-driven processes enabled by smart communities is the growth of all regions, regardless of size. There is demand for the benefits of using smart technology in multiple sectors and the market will grow in the coming years. The opening of this Virginia Smart Community Testbed ensures that Virginia will maintain its leading role in the country by showing how innovative smart technology Virginia can help people. Useful for.

Several state and local leaders, including Virginia Secretary of Commerce Brian Ball, Stafford County Supervisory Board Chairman Crystal Banook, and US House of Representatives Rob Wittman who visited the facility and made brief remarks. Attended the opening ceremony today. There was a demonstration of the drone, an exhibition of special sensors for monitoring flood potential, air quality and wastewater.

Secretary of Commerce Brian Ball said it was exciting to be here today to launch the project at Stafford. The testbed provides a living laboratory for entrepreneurs and a center of expertise for the federal-wide community trying to understand these new technology features.

“Today is an important day for Stafford, and we are pleased that our state and private sector partners have supported us,” said Crystal Vanuch, Stafford’s supervisory board. “This is a great opportunity to become the state’s first integrated smart community testbed. We look forward to the innovations and contributions this testbed offers with new technologies to support our community and other communities. . “

As an established leader in the federal smart community initiative, the Innovative Technology Center partnered with Stafford on a testbed project in 2019 as part of a comprehensive plan to build a new “smart” community in Stafford. .. Smart Stafford is Virginia’s first smart city testbed, including the IoT platform, fully integrated with 5G and other new technologies for smart cities in the state.

“The testbed allows us to explore and validate new technologies, from IoT to artificial intelligence to data security in real-world environments,” said David Ihrie, Chief Technology Officer, Innovative Technology Center. I am. “The opportunity to take advantage of successful technology at Smart Stafford is a huge bonus and will help entrepreneurs and more established companies understand the markets they serve.” Over 15 at this event. An integrated, extensible baseline technology plan that allows commercial partners to work together to customize for large and small communities.

About Smart Community Testbeds: Centre for Innovative Technology (CIT) and Stafford County are founding partners in testbeds. OST, Inc. (OST) is a leading system integrator and founding partner. This public-private partnership constitutes the testbed executive committee.

For CITA, part of the new University of Virginia Innovation Partnership (VIPA), CIT will accelerate the next generation of technology and technology companies through commercialization, capital formation, and market development initiatives. The CIT Strategic Initiative area focuses on defining and piloting emerging technology sectors that are critical to federal economic growth. The Virginia Smart Community Testbed is a key element of the Smart Community Initiative, providing models and expertise to other communities seeking to adopt smart community technology. For more information on CIT and the CIT Smart Initiative, visit |

About Smart Stafford Stafford is a smart place for innovation. Stafford has a rich foundation in cyber technology and will strengthen its strengths by including smart city technology. Smart Stafford’s vision began with the Board’s Strategic Plan 2040, looking at opportunities to invest in technologies that improve the lives of residents, businesses and visitors. The Virginia Smart Community Testbed provides technology to help you meet that vision. Stafford’s testbed unlocks important new resources and facilitates business investment across Stafford County and the Commonwealth. Find out more about the Smart Stafford Initiative. For more information on Smart Stafford, visit |

About OST McLean, Virginia-based OST, Inc. (OST) is a system integrator with over 20 years of innovative technology, project management, consulting and engineering services. OST consultants and engineers specializing in advanced technologies such as smart, cyber security, cloud, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), predictive analytics, and data visualization also optimize and integrate business processes and staff. Business solution. .. As a strategic partner, OST will provide system integration services to Stafford County’s Virginia Smart City Testbed (VSCT), manage smart airport testbeds at FAA’s Tech Center in Atlantic City, and manage the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA). Supports federal, state, and local contracts. ), Department of Homeland Security (DoD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Energy (DOE), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Pennsylvania (PA), District of Columbia (DC), etc. For more information on OST, please visit

Virginia Smart Community Testbed Stafford VAFINAL LOGO LONG

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