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Earthquake: Black candidates score victories in the city


Voters are turning to outside candidates to run their cities in a political earthquake that toppled incumbents and shattered expectations across the country.

Municipal elections are always filled with intrigue and local unrest. But this year, many of the outside candidates who have won, often against the opposition of the established political class, share one definite common feature: They are black.

By the end of this year, there will likely be more black mayors among the country’s 50 largest cities, 12, than Republicans, 11. Three of the country’s four largest cities—New York, Chicago, and Houston—will be run by black elected officials.

New York City voters on Tuesday gave more than half of the first-choice votes, in the city’s first experiment with seed-choice voting, for black candidates.

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams (D) won nearly 32 percent of the vote in the first round of the Democratic mayoral primary, making him the favorite to win once the remaining rounds of preferences are counted. The only candidate with even an outside chance of beating him is Maya Wiley, a former senior city official who received 22 percent of the initial vote.

If Adams or Wiley go on to win in November, as is expected in the five heavily Democratic boroughs, he or she will be the second black mayor of the nation’s largest city.

But they wouldn’t be alone among a class of first-class American mayors that are far more diverse than the city’s previous CEOs.

In the state’s north, voters dealt two more primaries knockouts: Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown (Dim) lost his bid for a fifth term to India Walton (Democrat), a self-proclaimed socialist and activist. Scandal-ridden Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren (Democrat) lost her bid for a third term to city councilman Malik Evans (Dim).

All four leading candidates in Buffalo and Rochester are black. But Walton and Evans, like the others who won this year, ran as change agents against an old guard they described as being far from their city in a time of trouble.

In the South, two other black candidates angered white incumbents in last month’s Pennsylvania primary.

State Representative Ed Jenny (D) managed to surprise Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto (D) as the incumbent sought a third term. In Harrisburg, city council president Wanda Williams beat Mayor Eric Papin to win the Democratic primary.

The recent rush to a new and more diverse class of American mayors came after two critical turning points, political observers said: The first was the election of Barack Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Obama: a voting rights bill must be passed before the next election. Against the government, Biden plans to host Obama to unveil the image of Trump he has skipped: the MORE report, the country’s first black president, whose campaign was built on a grassroots organization designed to circumvent entrenched party interests and capitalize on the emergence of social media as a political force.

said Jamal Simmons, a Democratic strategist and former contributor to Hill.TV. “This started with Barack Obama.” “Obviously over the past 10 years, new people have entered the process, new infrastructure is supporting them, and barriers to entry have gone down.”

The second factor was social unrest in 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic combined with protests over police brutality in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, shed new lights on beleaguered mayors who are sometimes overwhelmed by their jobs.

“This is a hostile environment for office. This is an environment of change,” Lee Harris (Democrat), the mayor of Shelby County, Tennessee, told me. “Rising youth may have an advantage because they are more attuned to this change in the air.”

Even before 2020, black elected leaders were making significant progress at the local level. The Democratic candidates, all favorites to win in November, will join a group of big-city mayors of color already in office.

Both Baltimore and St. Louis have elected new black mayors to replace retirees in the past several months. When he took office, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott (D), 36, was among the youngest ever to run his city. St. Louis Mayor Techora Jones (Democrat) is the first black woman to win the job in her city.

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List of newly elected mayors doesn’t fit in an easy ideological framework: In Rochester, Walton will be the first self-described socialist to win election in a US city since Bernie Sanders young Bernie Sanders Senators say White House aides agreed to Brianna’s infrastructure ‘framework’ . Joey Gray: Biden keeps stalling for ‘Joe Mansion presidency’ on money: Biden fires FHFA director after Supreme Court lifts restrictions | Yellen appeals to Congress to raise the debt ceiling. He became the most conservative mayor of Burlington, VT, in 1981. In New York City, Adams, a former police officer, was seen as the most conservative, law and order option among a huge field of Democratic contenders.

But most represented a fundamental change from their predecessors, whether by moving past old scandals, focusing anew on police misconduct or simply turning the page from the lackluster management of the pandemic — and voters’ interest in change now crosses racial lines.

“The first generation of black mayors were elected in a deeply racially polarized election, if you go back to the 1970s,” said Mark Morial, president of the National Urban League and former mayor of New Orleans. “Black mayors in many of these communities are elected through coalition politics. They are black voters as well as others.”

Some observers said they saw a resemblance to another candidate who benefited greatly from the support of black voters: Joe Biden. Biden’s advisers credit his performance among the most loyal – but not the most liberal – Democratic voter to his victory that came from behind in the South Carolina primary in February 2020, a victory that propelled him to his party’s presidential nomination.

“That also explains the Biden effect,” Harris said. “Even if you look at it as stable, it’s still the opposite of what you had before.”


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