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Alert: Community awareness grows as tsunami sirens are finalized | local news


Anacortes – As part of a growing effort to prepare the state’s waterfront communities to respond quickly to the tsunami, 11 emergency sirens have now been sounded from La Conner to Blanchard, including several in the Anacortes area.

The state’s Department of Emergency Management began installing sirens along the state’s 3,000-mile sea coastline in 2005. With recent additions, including at Anacortes Skate Park and Samish Indian Nation’s Fidalgo Bay Resort, there is now a network of 122 sirens.

“Very neat, right? Indian Nation President Samish Tom Wooten said of setting the siren on at the Tribe Resort.” “We are part of the community and… if we can help save lives, we definitely want to.”

The idea is that if an earthquake occurs along the Cascadia subduction zone of the West Coast or in a remote location like Alaska or Japan, sending a large tsunami toward Washington, sirens can sound warning those in waterfront areas to evacuate to higher ground.

While an 8.2-magnitude earthquake in Alaska put state emergency managers on high alert last week, not all new sirens have been fully synced with the state’s network and tested yet — including those at the Fidalgo Bay resort.

After the sirens were installed in June, you’re expected to hear a monthly test at noon on the first Monday in July, and this week, the first Monday in August, Valerie Tella, the resort’s manager, said.

“I was expecting it this afternoon and it never exploded,” she said on Monday.

Some locations like the one at the resort need to be digitally connected to the state’s network, while others are waiting to be plugged in to power or easement agreements to be signed, said Hans Kahl of the Skagit County Department of Emergency Management.

The fact that Tila and others are listening for the test is a sign of success on the readiness front, he said.

They are citizens who know the importance of being prepared and getting timely notice. …I have a lot of people out there paying attention to the (monthly) test,” he said.

Skagit County’s goal is to make local sirens officially online by fall, to coincide with broader community outreach about disaster preparedness.

“We’re pushing really hard to try and get them all in by October because that’s going to be our big earthquake awareness training… and we want to integrate the tsunami drills,” Cal said.

This was particularly important for the Edison and La Conner area schools within the tsunami potential flood zone for a major earthquake in the Cascadia Subduction Zone.

Tila said Fidalgo Bay Resort employees have begun notifying RV campers and those who rent cabins about the area’s tsunami risks and expected monthly siren tests.

In the event of a tsunami, the resort could receive dozens of visitors to evacuate to higher ground – and sirens will help spread the word quickly.

“It’s a good location to broadcast if there is a tsunami event,” Tila said.

The sirens tested and found in good condition are located at Anacortes Skatepark, Anacortes Wastewater Treatment Plant, Anacortes Skyline Marina, Swinomish Casino and Lodge, Swinomish Village and Edison.

Sirens that still need to be tested are at Fidalgo Bay Resort, Shelter Bay, La Conner Fire Department, Samish Island Community Center and Blanchard.

For live disaster notifications and for advanced warning before a siren test, sign up for CodeRED at





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