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At least one person was killed in a powerful earthquake near the Mexican city of Acapulco

At least one person was killed in a powerful earthquake near the Mexican city of Acapulco


A powerful earthquake struck near the Pacific city of Acapulco on Tuesday night, killing at least one person, and causing buildings to sway and sway in Mexico City nearly 200 miles away.

The USGS said the earthquake had an initial magnitude of 7 on the Richter scale and its epicenter was about five miles east-southeast of Pueblo Madero in Guerrero state, about 30 miles from Acapulco.

Guerrero State Governor Hector Astudillo told Milenio TV late Tuesday that one person was killed in a plume fall in the town of Coyoca de Benítez, near Acapulco.

“We heard loud noises from the building, noises from the windows, things fell inside the house, and the electricity went out,” said Sergio Flores, a resident of Acapulco, reached by phone. “We heard water leaking, water came out of the pool, I heard people screaming, people are very nervous.”

All he could do when he started shaking was to hug his wife, Flores said. He saw people leaving hotels around the bay and some running toward the parking floors to clear their cars for fear of crashing.

“We were all worried about some changes in the sea, but the authorities haven’t said anything yet about the tsunami warning,” he said.

People check their cell phones outside Veracruz General Hospital after the earthquake on Tuesday.

(Felix Marquez/The Associated Press)

Studio said the tsunami warning center did not record any changes in sea level. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center later said the risk of potential waves had passed.

The mayor of Acapulco, Adela Roman, said in a statement to television news outlet Milenio that “there is no really serious situation” so far.

“There are nervous breakdowns. People are worried about aftershocks,” she added, adding that there were “many gas leaks in many places” as well as some landslides and falling walls.

Before the first death was reported, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said via Twitter that authorities in the four states where the tremor was most severe told him there were no injuries or serious damage other than some collapsing walls and falling rocks.

“Fortunately, there is no serious damage,” he said.

Mexico’s National Civil Defense said it is conducting reviews in 10 states, but has not received reports of casualties or serious damage.

In Mexico City, the ground shook for about a minute in some parts of the capital, but the shaking was less noticeable in other parts. Some people evacuated their buildings for a while, but quickly went back inside on a rainy night.

“I was at home with my mom and my dog ​​and the seismic alert started coming up,” said Claudia Guarneros, the makeup artist. My mother was in another room and I started calling her. The house started moving, and in the last part of the earthquake the electricity went out and we couldn’t see anything, we saw some things fall down.”

Mexico City authorities said there were no early reports of major damage in the capital, despite power outages in some neighborhoods. Some broken windows high in the middle of the city covered the sidewalk with glass.

Arturo Hernandez stood outside the relatively new apartment building he moved into three years ago. Next to it stands a taller building abandoned since the 7.1-magnitude earthquake on September 19, 2017, in the neighboring state of Puebla, which caused extensive damage to the capital.

Hernandez heard the seismic warning and put it out before the ground started shaking. He said the abandoned building next to his house continued to collapse and whine for three minutes after the shaking stopped. Asked if he was concerned about the damaged building next door, he said, “Always, always.”

Tuesday’s earthquake occurred four years after the day after an 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of southern Mexico’s Chiapas state, devastating the town of Juchitan in neighboring Oaxaca state and killing dozens.

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