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Sinn Féin was once associated with the IRA and was on the verge of winning an “earthquake” in Northern Ireland’s nationwide election.

Sinn Féin was once associated with the IRA and was on the verge of winning an “earthquake” in Northern Ireland’s nationwide election.


The former political arm of the Irish Republican Army, Sinn Fein, appeared to have taken the lead in the British-dominated Northern Ireland elections for the first time on Friday. This is a historic change that could bring us closer to the once-elusive view of a united Ireland.

Sinn Féin received 29% of the first-priority vote, compared to 21.3% for the pro-British Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). This indicates that it is likely to be the first Irish nationalist party to win the largest number of seats in regional parliamentary elections. Since the establishment of the state in 1921.

“Sinn Féin’s first cabinet position is an earthquake,” Bill White, CEO of polling firm LucidTalk, told Northern Ireland Policy. “This is an earthquake.”

Read more:

Sinn Fein, the political arm of the former Irish Republican Army, leads the Northern Ireland elections

A Sinn Fein victory will not change the region’s position, as the referendum required to leave Britain is at the discretion of the British government and is likely years away.

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However, the psychological impact of the first Irish nationalist minister would be enormous after a century of pro-British rule, with the support of a large Protestant population in the region.

Demographic trends have long shown that Ireland’s predominantly Catholic Irish nationalist parties were eventually discontinued in favor of a merger of the North and the Republic of Ireland.

Avoided by political groups on both sides of the border over paramilitary violence, Sinn Fein was already the most popular party in the Republic of Ireland and launched its campaign successfully three years after the election. We have built the foundation. Daily problems such as living expenses and medical expenses.

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The Northern Ireland election followed a similar path, focusing on economic concerns rather than Irish unity to attract mid-sized voters.

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Northern Ireland’s complex proportional representation voting system means that the party with the highest voting priority does not necessarily win the most seats, but many analysts have a significant lead in Sinn Féin’s party. He said it was too much to catch.

The end result is not expected until Saturday.

The Union Across Society appears poised to achieve the strongest results in history. This was the first time that a non-national or unitary party came third.

Sinn Féin’s party has been working on peaceful coexistence and political power-sharing in Northern Ireland since the 1998 Good Friday Peace Agreement, which ended 30 years of violence, and plans to launch a border survey across the island. I want to stand up.

“I believe that uniting Ireland and the new Ireland is the best chance for everyone who lives on this island. The BBC’s Mary Lou MacDonald, president of Sinn Féin, said.

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Irish general election: Political parties vie for Sinn Fein to top opinion polls

Rival nationalists and unionists must share power under the terms of the 1998 peace accords. However, the DUP said it would no longer do so unless the protocol governing trade between Northern Ireland and the rest of Britain after Brexit was fully revised.

“I have made clear that I will not appoint a minister as an executive until we have this progress,” Jeffrey Donaldson, the leader of the DUP, told RTE Ireland.

This raises the prospect of a stalemate without a new elected government like the UK, and the EU is stuck in discussions about how to remove many of the checks on goods entering Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.

The election reaffirms that a majority of regional parliament members support a protocol designed in the wake of Brexit to avoid the disintegration of the EU’s single market across the Irish border. There is a possibility.

(Reporting by Padrick Halpin and Conor Humphries; Editing by Nick McPhee and Margarita Choi)

Sinn Féin was once associated with the Irish Republican Army and was on the verge of winning an “earthquake” in Northern Ireland’s nationwide election.

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