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Crescent City, Del Norte OES Planning for October Tsunami Evacuation Drill | Wild Rivers focus

Crescent City, Del Norte OES Planning for October Tsunami Evacuation Drill |  Wild Rivers focus


Jessica Signar Andrews/Yesterday @ 4:26pm Crescent City, Del Norte OES Planning tsunami evacuation drills for October

Map of the flood area in Crescent City. | Photo courtesy of Redwood Coast Tsunami Work Group

Previous: • Updated tsunami maps show new risks, to be released on the 10th anniversary of the Japan earthquake


Emergency officials in Crescent City and Del Norte County will draw on lessons learned in 2011 and put new inundation maps to the test during a tsunami evacuation drill in October.

The exercise is scheduled for 10 a.m. on October 27, a necessary measure for Crescent City to maintain its TsunamiReady community designation, County Emergency Services Director Maya Milo told Wild Rivers Outpost.

The exercises also come as Del Norte County prepares to receive its own tsunami-ready community classification, according to Milo.

The authorities will distribute door hangers and maps to residents, businesses and visitors, activate the emergency alert system and sound the sirens. Milo told colleagues from multiple agencies Thursday that the Flynn Center Gymnasium will be a temporary evacuation point. She said the county emergency services office will establish a triple shelter at First Baptist Church, Forsquare Church and at the county gymnasium.

“We are in a nightmare zone of the tsunami, and for us not continuing to plan the exercises is a missed opportunity,” Milo told her colleagues. “Public information is always a goal. We need to work on reaching everyone, not just those who live in the tsunami zone, but those who come to work in the tsunami zone, who come to shop in the tsunami zone, who come to the park.”

A representative of the Redwood Coast Tsunami Work Group, Ryan Aylward, said the communities renew their TsunamiRead-ready classification every four years. To do this, they must do some sort of preparatory exercise, although it doesn’t have to be a complete exercise, he said.

Crescent City conducted tsunami evacuation drills in 2010 and 2014, marking the 50th anniversary of the Good Friday earthquake and tsunami of 1964, which killed 12 local people.

Aylward said there was a plan to conduct county-wide evacuation drills, but COVID kept local emergency responders busy. Other communities and organizations preparing for a tsunami in Del Norte County include the Yorkshire Tribe and the Klamath City Site as well as Redwood National and State Parks, accordingly. to Aylward.

Crescent City was lucky on March 11, 2011. Eric Weir, city manager, said it had nearly eight hours to prepare for the sudden surges of the Tohoku earthquake in Japan. Several citizens participated in the 2010 training and knew that if you’re downtown Crescent City, safety is north of 9th Street.

Weir said most of the increases occurred at low tide. Had it been otherwise, he said, the 1964 Good Friday earthquake and tsunami could have been repeated in Crescent City. Twelve people died from the 1964 tsunami in Crescent City.

“When we were alerted in the middle of the night about the impending Japanese earthquake and tsunami, we luckily had a little time and were able to plan for it,” Weir told Outpost. “Once we had the information, people knew what to do and their area and it was fresh in their minds. It was a little bit different because it was a remote source event.”

Weir said Crescent City residents, business owners and visitors will prepare in October for a tsunami that could strike 10 minutes after they feel the quake. He said the shaking could be strong enough to bring someone down.

According to Elward, October tsunami evacuation drills will be based on updated inundation maps released in 2021. These new maps place the Del Norte County Fairgrounds entirely within the flood zone, a change from 2009 when half the facility was outside the danger zone, he said.

“Now you need to go a little further if you’re there,” Aylward told Outpost.

To be considered tsunami prepared, the community must map their danger zones, include information about their tsunami exposure in a FEMA-approved multi-risk mitigation plan, and install signs to inform the public when they are in a dangerous area. and place of evacuation. roads.

Other steps that the community must take to become ready for TsunamiReady include conducting public awareness and education campaigns for their public schools. According to Aylward, Del Norte County communities that did not reach TsunamiReady status met many of the criteria. Aylward said they just needed to do the evacuation exercise.

Milo said she plans to schedule immersion area evacuations for the county’s remote communities next year. She noted that each coastal community, including Smith River and Fort Dick, has its own inundation maps.

Aylward said participating in the exercises is not necessary. People can tell if they are in a dangerous area, assemble a Go Bag and make sure their furniture is fixed to the wall so they don’t fall in an earthquake and get in their way.

“All you have to do is go for a walk,” said Aylward.





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