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Children were rescued from the rubble days after the earthquake, but the death toll has surpassed 23,700

Children were rescued from the rubble days after the earthquake, but the death toll has surpassed 23,700


The death toll is 20,213 in Turkey and more than 3,500 in Syria. Hundreds of thousands of displaced people in the middle of winter. The first UN aid convoy to enter northwestern Syria, coming from Turkey.

ANTIAKH, Turkey/JENDERS, Syria (Reuters) – Rescue teams rescued a 10-day-old baby and his mother trapped in the rubble of a building in Turkey on Friday and pulled out several people from other locations under President Tayyip. Erdogan said the authorities should have responded faster to this week’s massive earthquake.

The confirmed death toll from the region’s deadliest earthquake in two decades reached more than 23,700 in southern Turkey and northwest Syria four days after it occurred.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been left homeless and short of food in the grim winter conditions, and leaders in both countries have faced questions about their response.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made his first reported trip to affected areas since the earthquake, state media reported, visiting a hospital in Aleppo with his wife, Asma.

His government has also agreed to deliver humanitarian aid across the front lines of the country’s 12-year civil war, a move that could speed up aid for millions of desperate people. The World Food Program earlier said it was running out of stocks in rebel-held northwest Syria, with the war complicating aid efforts.

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The earthquake, which occurred in the early hours of Monday morning, ranks seventh among the deadliest natural disasters during this century, before the Japan earthquake and tsunami in 2011 and the approaching death of 31,000 people as a result of an earthquake that struck neighboring Iran in 2003.

On Friday, Erdogan visited the Turkish province of Adiyaman, where he acknowledged that the government’s response was not as fast as it could have been.

“Although we have the largest search and rescue team in the world right now, the reality is that search efforts are not as fast as we would like,” he said.

He also said that looting of shops occurred in some areas.

Erdogan is running for re-election in a vote scheduled for May 14 and his opponents have seized on the issue to attack him. The elections may now be postponed due to the disaster.

With anger simmering over delays in delivering aid and starting rescue efforts, the disaster is likely to play a role in the election, if it continues.

Erdogan, who viewed the vote as the toughest challenge for him in his two decades in power even before the earthquake, called for solidarity and condemned what he called “negative campaigns for political expediency”.

Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the head of Turkey’s main opposition party, criticized the government’s response.

“The earthquake was massive, but what was much bigger than the earthquake was the lack of coordination, lack of planning and incompetence,” Kilicdaroglu said in a statement.

The death toll from the 7.8-magnitude earthquake and strong aftershocks in both countries surpassed the 17,000 death toll in 1999 when a similarly powerful earthquake struck northwest Turkey.

[1/13] Turkish boy Boyraz is taken to an ambulance after he was pulled alive from the rubble following a deadly earthquake in Kahramanmaras, Turkey, February 10, 2023. (Reuters) / Berkan Zengin

The Turkish Minister of Health said that the number of deaths in Turkey rose to 20,213 on Friday. In Syria, more than 3,500 people have been killed. Many people are still under the rubble.

Hope among ruin

Rescuers, including teams from dozens of countries, worked day and night through the rubble of thousands of wrecked buildings to find buried survivors. In frigid temperatures, they regularly pleaded for silence while listening for any sound of life from the mounds of deformed concrete.

In Turkey’s Samandağ region, rescuers crouched under concrete slabs whispering “God willing,” cautiously reaching the ruins and taking away a 10-day-old baby.

His eyes wide open, baby Yagiz Ulas was wrapped in a thermal blanket and taken to a field hospital. Video images showed his mother, dazed and pale but conscious, was taken away by emergency workers on a stretcher.

In Diyarbakir to the east, Sabahat Farli, 32, and her son Serhat were rescued and taken to hospital on Friday morning, 100 hours after the quake. A mother and her two daughters were rescued from the rubble of a residential building in the city of Kahramanmaras on Friday evening. CNN offered to let rescuers do all three in a row.

Across the border in Syria, rescuers from the White Helmets group used their hands to dig through gypsum and cement until they reached the bare foot of a little girl, still in her pink pajamas, soiled but alive and free.

But hopes of finding more alive are fading.

In the Syrian town of Jandris, Nasser al-Wakaa sobbed as he sat on the pile of rubble and twisted metal that was his family home, burying his face in the baby clothes that belonged to one of his children.

He sobbed, “Bilal, oh Bilal,” shouting out the name of one of his deceased sons.

The head of the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation, Bulent Yildirim, went to Syria to see the impact there. “It was as if a missile hit every building,” he said.

Some 24.4 million people are affected in Syria and Turkey, according to Turkish officials and the United Nations, in an area stretching roughly 450 kilometers from Adana in the west to Diyarbakir in the east. In Syria, people were killed as far south as Hama, 250 km from the epicenter.

Many people have set up shelters in supermarket parking lots, in mosques, on roadsides or in rubble. The survivors are often in dire need of food, water and heat.

State media said that aid in Syria across the fronts agreed upon on Friday would be carried out in cooperation with the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent.

The United Nations has pressed for aid to flow more freely into Syria, especially to the northwest, where it estimated more than 4 million people were already in need before the quake.

Dozens of planes carrying aid have reached areas controlled by Assad’s government since Monday, but few have reached the northwest.

Additional reporting by Umit Bektas in Antakya, Orhan Coskun in Ankara, Ecı Toksabay and Hüseyin Hayatcifer in Adana, Jonathan Spicer, Darren Butler, Yesim Dikman and Ali Kucukokmen in Istanbul, by Angus McSwan and Alistair Bell; Editing by Frank Jack Daniel and Rosalba O’Brien

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.




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