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Ecuador: Floods and Earthquakes – March 2023 DREF Final Report MDREC021 – Ecuador

Ecuador: Floods and Earthquakes – March 2023 DREF Final Report MDREC021 – Ecuador



Event description

Date of Event


What happened, where and when?

The rainy season:

According to the National Regional Study Committee for El Niño (ERFEN, by its initials in Spanish), abnormally high temperatures were observed in the Ecuadorian Sea and on the northern coast of Peru (Nino 1+2 zone), where temperatures between 27 and 27 °C were recorded. . 29°C at the surface, which is up to 1.5°C above normal. In addition to atmospheric instability and the crossing of tropical waves, these conditions led to intensification of convective activity with heavy rainfall (1).

During 2023, the country's 205 cantons were affected by 3,181 severe rainy season events, affecting more than 148,255 people. The provinces that had the greatest impact on the population were Guayas, Los Ríos, Emeralds, Manabi, Santa Helena, Bolivar, Cotopaxi, El Oro, Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas, Imbapura, Loja, Pastaza, and Pichincha (2).


On March 18, 2023, in the Gulf of Guayaquil, a seismic event with a magnitude of 6.64 Mw, a depth of 63.1 km, and a total of 72 aftershocks ranging between 2.1 and 4.6 MeV was recorded. Although the main epicenter and aftershocks were in the province of Guayas, the main damage was recorded in the cantons of Santa Rosa and Elguapo in the province of El Oro.

On March 20, the President of Ecuador declared a 60-day state of emergency by Decree No. 11.693 for the departments of El Oro, Pichincha, Loja, Los Ríos, Bolivar, Santa Helena, Emeralds, Manabi, Imbapura, Chimborazo, Santo Domingo, Napo and Azuay. The state of exception due to general disaster was based on the serious impacts on the lives and material possessions of the residents of these provinces as a result of the severe winter and telluric movement.

From March 18 to May 4, more than 3,774 people were reported to be affected by this emergency. The provinces with the greatest impact on the population were El Oro, Guayas, and Azuay (3).

In response to these two emergencies, on 6 April 2023, the Ecuadorian Red Cross launched the IFRC-DREF Assessment Project to conduct a detailed damage and needs assessment in 15 provinces reported to be affected. The assessment aims to determine the effects resulting from the heavy rains that have struck the country since February 2023, in addition to the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that occurred in March 2023.

During the implementation of the DREF assessment framework, on June 4, a new flood event occurred in the province of Esmeraldas, causing widespread impact. Heavy rains were recorded in the province of Esmeraldas, causing the flooding of 7 rivers: Soa and Tonchegui (Atacames Canton); Tiuni (Canton Esmeraldas); Cube, Vichy, Blanco (Canton Quinende), and Matambale (Canton Moiesen), affecting 7 cantons and 21 parishes. In addition, on June 6, the Rioverde River overflowed affecting the Rioverde Canton in the Diocese of Lagarto.

Due to this event, more than 22,181 people were affected (which are included in the total 148,255 people affected by the rainy season during 2023) and three died, as well as 6,309 homes were affected, and 495 crops were lost (4).

To respond to this complex emergency and based on the assessment findings of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies-DREF, the National Society launched an operational update in March 2023 to provide support to families affected by the earthquake and floods.




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