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A Turkish internet celebrity is facing prison for spreading misleading information about the 2023 earthquakes

A Turkish internet celebrity is facing prison for spreading misleading information about the 2023 earthquakes


Turkish social media star Oguzhan Ugur faces up to four and a half years in prison over social media posts following two powerful earthquakes last year, which allegedly spread misinformation and hampered search and rescue efforts, the Turkish news agency reported. The media reported.

Earthquakes measuring 7.8 and 7.5 struck 11 provinces in the south and southeast of the country on February 6, 2023, killing nearly 60,000 people in Turkey and parts of Syria and leaving millions homeless.

Ugur is one of three defendants in the indictment drawn up by the Istanbul Public Prosecutor's Office.

Posts from Babala TV's From the epicenter. The leaflets called for sending search and rescue teams to the area, warning of the risk of flooding due to heavy rains.

Authorities later refuted similar reports that appeared in Turkish media and found them to be “inaccurate.”

The indictment accuses Ugur and the other two suspects of causing panic and fear among people by spreading misleading information under Article 217/a of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK).

The law, which criminalizes the publication of “false or misleading information” and provides for prison sentences of between one and three years, was passed in Parliament in October 2022, sparking widespread criticism as a harsh measure targeting freedom of expression and independent journalists. It increases the penalty by half for criminals who hide their identity or act on behalf of an organisation.

In his testimony to prosecutors, Ugur said he was not the one who posted the tweets about the dams from Babala TV's X account. He said another suspect in the indictment, Kan Kayakan, was the one who posted the tweets about the dams. However, Kayakan told prosecutors that he did not remember posting the tweets that led to the investigation.

Ugur, who was a pioneer in relief efforts following the earthquakes, said that he and his team worked for days without sleep to help earthquake victims and support efforts to collect millions of liras in donations for the earthquake zone.

He added: “Our only goal was to help the victims.”

A large group of volunteers organized by Ugur and his Babala TV team in cooperation with the Anatolian People and Peace Platform (AHBAP) Foundation, a grassroots relief organization, worked in the earthquake zone to collect aid and raise funds in the aftermath of the earthquakes.

Babala TV, which has gained popularity due to the audience's ability to interact live with guests and ask questions, has 4.7 million followers on YouTube.

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