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Hawaii's Kilauea volcano has yet to erupt despite 30 earthquakes per hour

Hawaii's Kilauea volcano has yet to erupt despite 30 earthquakes per hour


The US Geological Survey provided video from the first helicopter flight over the eruption of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii showing lava from a massive fissure on Monday, June 3, 2024.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park – Seismic activity at Kilauea Volcano within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park has escalated over the past 24 hours, with earthquakes occurring about 30 times per hour. However, geologists say the volcano did not erupt.

Increased seismic activity is one sign of an impending volcanic eruption, but it is still difficult to predict when it will occur.

What happens before a volcano erupts?

Geologists at the USGS Hawaii Volcano Observatory say the upper eastern region of Kilauea volcano began experiencing a “seismic wave” on the afternoon of June 27, with hundreds of earthquakes occurring. Late Saturday evening, seismic activity had increased to about 30 events per hour, according to the USGS.

Images taken over a 24-hour period by a temporary search camera positioned near Maunaulu, looking northwest toward Kilauea's upper eastern rift zone.

However, scientists say it is impossible to say whether the increase in activity will lead to an eruption in the near future or whether the earthquakes will continue. According to the USGS HVO, previous eruptions have occurred under the upper East Rift Zone near the Paohe and Hi'aka craters, with the most recent eruption occurring over the course of a single day in November 1979 near the Paohe crater.

Kilauea last erupted from its southwestern summit on June 3. Volcanic activity ceased several days later. The area has not erupted in about 50 years. However, there is no indication that magma is moving toward the eruption site.

Map showing the locations of Mauna Loa and nearby sister volcano Kilauea.

(Fox Weather/Fox Weather)

Geologists warn that changes could happen quickly, potentially triggering a potential eruption, especially at Kilauea, one of the world's most active volcanoes.

The volcano's ground impact alert level remains advisory, and the aviation alert level code is yellow for Kilauea, indicating that the volcano is showing signs of elevated unrest.




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