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Washington County Charles de Cameron Seismic Retrofit Public Service Building


Washington County Charles De Cameron Public Services Building Seismic Modernization Provisioning Company: JE Dunn Construction Location: Hillsboro Cost: $ 35M Start Date: March 2017 Completion Date: May 2019 Owner / Developer: Washington County Architect: SERA Architects Architect: KPFF Engineering Firms Additional: System Design Consultants, Professional Roofing Consultants, Atlas Landscape Architecture General Contractor: JE Dunn Construction Subcontractors: Cut Over Concrete, Precision Concrete, Advanced Locking, AKS Engineering & Forestry, Stock & Paint Planning, Brix Northwest Paving, Building Material Services, Catena , Chick of All Deals, Concrete Inspection Services, Culver Glass, Curtis Restaurant Equipment, DeWitt, Dormakaba USA, EC Company, Equilibrium Engineers, GeoDesign, GeoPotential, Green Art Landscaping, Greenman Construction, Green Team, Hydro-Temp, Interior Tech, Kraft Masonry, Larusso Concrete, Legend Custom Casework, Mt Hood Window Covers, Nice and Campbell Crane, Northstar, Northwest Precast, Northwest Sca ffold Service, Penhall, Pioneer Waterproofing, Prestige Tile & Stone, RCI Architectural Sheet Metal, River City Environmental, Snyder Roofing, Sowles, Temp-Air, T-Plus, Town & Country Fence Co. of Oregon, Tube Art, Universal Fire Equipment, Westech, Western Divisions, Western State Fire Protection, Williamsen & Bleid, WFJ Guarding Services

The project team led by general contractor JE Dunn Construction faced a two-pronged challenge when they undertook a seismic retrofit of the Charles de Cameron Public Services Building in Washington County in Hillsboro.

First, they had to find a way to seismically upgrade and strengthen a 30-year-old building that was built with reinforced concrete and had waterproofing problems in the basement. This will usually suffice for one project. But the team, which also included Sera Architects and KPFF Consulting Engineers, also had to do all of this while maintaining normal construction operations at the 120,750-square-foot facility.

However, the staging project that resulted in all of that was completed, providing the county with a fundamentally new structure that was built to withstand a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and remains operational in the aftermath. It also features energy-saving updates to its lighting, safety, and mechanical systems.

The building was primarily designed in a T-shape with two distinct wings, and one wing was upgraded at a time to allow continued operations, including the district’s important data center. This allowed work crews to minimize any incursion work during structural upgrades, which include installing massive steel grating beams for restraint and concrete shear walls at the corners of the building. The team meticulously investigated original building plans, mapping existing facilities and strategically demolishing specific parts of the building to aid in designing. And implement the project on time and within budget.

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