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Guyana earthquake “eccentric” – Stabroek News

Guyana earthquake “eccentric” – Stabroek News


The satellite was captured in high orbit on a Soyuz rocket from the European Spaceport in French Guiana, captured in stunning detail, and a historic rupture from a rare aerial earthquake of magnitude 5.6 on January 31.

In bright crimson and blue, Copernicus Sentinel-1’s 12-day collage of interference charts, or color charts based on interference waves, was recently shared on Twitter, the popular microblogging service, by an international specialist in seismic geology and paleontology , Dr. Soteris Valkanyotes.

Sentinel-1 is the acronym for the European Radar Observatory, within the family of Global Environment and Security Watch satellites, designed and developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and with funding from the European Commission (EC). The Copernicus missions, consisting of a pair of advanced space machines, represent the European Union (EU) contribution to the Global Earth Observing Systems System (GEOSS). It is named after the great mathematician, astronomer, and scientist of the Renaissance, Nicolaus Copernicus, who formulated a model for placing the sun instead of the earth at the center of the universe.

A technology known as Interferential Aperture Radar (InSAR) has also revolutionized our ability to study planetary events including earthquakes by allowing us to measure factors such as where, to what extent, and in which direction caused the Earth to move.

Because satellites detect enormous stretches, they can quickly collect massive amounts of data, which proves to be invaluable in situations like the remote and sparsely populated Rupononi region of Guyana where there are no or very limited devices in the wider continental area.

Dr. Sotiris tweeted on February 12, “Sudden rupture of M5.6 Jan 31 Guyana #earthquake. Copernicus # Sentinel1 interference. Potential complex surface impact of over 6 km with a displacement of 20+ cm, consistent with the NW-SE strike. Hopefully, “This is the first (?) Of the South American karton.”

The ancient geological remnants of young Earth’s continental lithosphere, the giant Amazonia craton on which Guyana and the sister states of South America anchor, are called the Guiana Shield as a stable, thick, protective barrier against large earthquakes. There is no telling tale of a hotter mantle as in the mid-ocean ridges or the continental rift.

It is more than a billion years old, and in some sections two billion years, the powerful craton is the continent’s oldest nucleus or pre-Cambrian geological formation, divided by the Amazon drain basin into two parts, the Guiana Shield in the north, and the Guaporé or Central Brazil shield in the south. The high elevations on the Shield are the highlands of Guyana, which features famous Table-Top Mountains or Teboy, and gorgeous waterfalls that range from Kaitor to Angel.

Soitiris posted, Northwest Whammy (NW) – SE (SE) “looks like a N110-120 ° reverse error mainly, according to focal mechanisms (FMs). The tear pattern in detail is very complex – and very shallow thrusts are to be expected Inside the painting. There are some interesting secondary ruptures between the west and the east at the edges. “

The focal mechanism, or “beach ball,” is a two-dimensional circular, shaded graphic symbol indicating the type of slip and fault direction, surrounding the lower center, and the location of the earthquake in the Earth’s crust. If the rock mass moves over a downward sloping fault, the fault is called normal. If the rock is moved up, it is called reverse, while the thrust error is an inverse error with a slope of 45 ° or less.

In the past, surface rupture has rarely been identified for M5 earthquakes or smaller earthquakes, but this changes with many earthquakes, mainly due to InSAR images. In the past, without sensing such as InSAR, small surface breaks were usually not found, or were not directly related to the fracture rupture, and may have been explained as secondary effects of vibration. With InSAR, the absolute position of rupture and other ground turbulence can be stabilized with an approximate accuracy of one meter, versus the standard earthquake location from distant seismographs with an accuracy of a kilometer or more, another expert said, Dr. Anthony Lomax said. I am. Dr Lomax is a reputed seismic consultant, specializing in seismic monitoring, positioning, analysis and early / real-time warning.

On February 1, Dr. Lomax shared, via Twitter, “very clear seismic charts approximately 800 kilometers from ENE in French Guiana, via Kraton,” indicating that the P and S waves arrived early – from the “cold” solid upper mantle While the surface waves arrived late due to the thick crust. See

When seismic waves pass through cold, solid rocks in a stable region like a cartoon, they remain sharp and pure, like hearing sound across an open space, unlike that of a cave, with a lot of echo and interfering noise. explained.

There are very few M5 and larger earthquakes in stable craton regions of the world every year. In a sense, it was just a chance that this earthquake would happen in Guyana on January 31st, but it is not at all expected that such an earthquake would happen somewhere in the world in the Kraton region.

If the Guyana earthquake, which has sparked a debate among seismologists, is confirmed as the first surface rupture identified for the South American Kraton, it will join an exclusive group, as similar events have been recorded on other ancient Kraton, such as Australia and Africa.

In the aftermath of the January 31 earthquake, Rupononi was hit by more than 20 earthquakes, including 4 earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 to 5.0, 10 earthquakes between 3.0 and 4.0 meters, and 5 earthquakes between 2.0 and 3.0 meters.

Experts note that while we cannot predict earthquakes, anywhere on Earth can have earthquakes. With a natural build-up of stress, even if very slowly, an earthquake will eventually occur, and without the need for a man-made trigger, which is what happened in Guyana on January 31st. But in most cases, the aftershocks of a large earthquake in a particular area were dwindling in size and fortunately, at least on this, we are not disagree.

ID welcomes a tweet by a seismologist from the University of Oxford, proposing, “Can we create a fan club for strange little earthquakes that are (or nearly) rupture the surface?”

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