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Reconstruction of Zagreb after the earthquake fast moving snail


March 1, 2021 – As expected by the majority, the reconstruction process in Zagreb is experiencing significant delays and faces many challenges. As things progressed at the speed of Croatia’s favorite being the snail, what could be behind it all?

As Poslovni Dnevnik / Darko Bicak wrote, although the post-earthquake reconstruction of Zagreb will be expensive and time-consuming, it could be a catalyst for the reconstruction, modernization and general revitalization of the entire Croatian capital center, at least according to a recent panel discussion titled: “ The Strength of the Croatian Building – How to Reconstruct Zagreb and Banovina. ” The symposium was held within the framework of a conference held on Friday by Poslovni Dnevnik in Zagreb.

Evika Rovis of the Urban Planning Institute of the City of Zagreb has warned of the complicated bureaucracy about the reconstruction procedures that confuse people and as such, residents often do not know what they have to hand over, to whom, and whether they have submitted complete or incomplete. Documentation and the like.

It’s a mess, time is running out, it’s not over yet …

“It would be more effective if the public bodies were better connected and if they acted more proactively towards the population, because such governmental and local institutions could find important documents for reconstruction and make things much easier.

It’s all a bit messy like this, time is running out, it’s been nearly a year since the Zagreb earthquake, and nothing’s happening, ” Rufis said. He warned of the problem that Zagreb itself does not decide to rebuild because everything has been transferred to the state, and the city itself can only function in the sense of humanitarian or professional assistance to its citizens.

“Reconstructing Zagreb after an earthquake is not an easy thing and simply one-sided. You cannot renovate a building in the center without first regulating traffic in that part of the city due to the need to close roads and the like.” Roveis noted.

This is an opportunity to insist on energy efficient construction during renovation and new construction in the heart of the capital, Ivana Bilic of the Regional Energy Agency Regea stated.

“What we are seeing is the lack of a vision and the lack of a clear reconstruction plan. In order to anticipate the activation of the construction sector, we need to give this sector a clear plan – what, when, how to build and when Baelish warns that the money will arrive.”

She added that Regia believes that in Zagreb it would be a mistake to renovate the building point by point after construction, rather than to start renovating entire neighborhoods. Jadranka Rajic Bradavica of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund has agreed to date 50 million kuna with companies for the emergency treatment of bulky waste and construction waste in Banovina.

So far, a small amount of construction waste has been revealed due to the demolition of some buildings, but there have been and still are many requests for the disposal of large quantities of huge and mixed waste from public institutions and others that have been damaged or demolished Rajic Bradvika said: “ Because there are many Of the waste, local community services couldn’t manage their affairs on their own, so the fund had to cater to it.

She cautioned that it is important to first identify the construction waste involved because part of the brick can be cleaned and reused, and part of that material can be used for other construction work.

New technologies

Danko Deban, Chairman of Ingra, believes that the use of new technologies should be pursued during post-earthquake Zagreb reconstruction measures. He sees no point in reusing old bricks from demolished buildings to rebuild residential and public buildings, not only in Zagreb but especially in Banovina area.

“If funds for reconstruction are not a problem, then I am convinced that the construction process will not ultimately end in a bottleneck. We have not yet reached the stage where the projects are ready and we will go to the construction site, but I believe that at a certain moment, the Croatian companies will be able To implement projects effectively. ”

Sven Muller, Director of Strabag Croatia, emphasized that recovering existing materials that were rescued from the 2020 Croatian earthquakes is possible, but not profitable: “ If the bricks are removed, cleaned and selected, it takes a lot of work and the question is how high can these materials be. Quality is actually, ”

Mueller warned that the investment wave has sharply decreased in the past year due to the ongoing Corona virus pandemic, and that all construction companies are craving new projects to insert their teeth, such as restoration.

“The big problem here is the bureaucracy, because there is no system and people don’t know what, when and for whom they should present things, and it is not really clear which person is entitled to what,” Mueller said. He also agreed that the Croatian construction worker could and should carry out the reconstruction work himself.

“Western companies will not come to us because they have enough work to do, and Croatia is a small and unattractive market for them. On the other hand, we are also not particularly interested in competition from the east because they have gone past us and went west through us,” said the Strabag manager.

“As a result of the earthquake, we were actually able to access the problems that we had been facing a long time ago now, and now they come to light – unorganized land records, problematic social climate and lack of monitoring. It should be clear to everyone that those with a green label will get nothing, those with yellow can count on little, and those with a red label … well, we’ll see. We have to make it clear to people that the state and the city will finance 80 percent of the recognized costs for these people with red stickers, but no one says how much money will be and how much the owners themselves will have to save, ”said Strabag’s director.

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