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Indian hospitals are running out of oxygen as the Covid cases go up

Indian hospitals are running out of oxygen as the Covid cases go up


Oxygen in hospitals in India is so scarce that patients and relatives have gone to social media to look for vessels and get treatment. The rise in cases highlights the dire situation facing the country. After surviving a first wave last fall, the country expected it to be the worst and became one of the world’s largest exporting vaccines, including to the UK. But now it has not only a record number of cases per country, but also explosive and steady growth, with no sign of where it will end. A record number of other cases have been recorded today. The head of the World Health Organization has called for the sharing of vaccines and raw materials with developed countries with India, which is no longer a test of science, financial muscle or industrial ability, it is a test of nature. One caveat, there are horrific images from the beginning of this report. (Subscribe:
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