Megamodels: Chile’s insurance sector is getting tough
Massive prehistoric earthquakes in Chile can provide information on risk models for the natural disaster insurance industry.
Written by Madeline Dahm, science writer (MadelineDahm)
Citation: Dahm, M., 2021, Megamodels: Chile’s Insurance Sector in Chile, Temblor, http://doi.org/10.32858/temblor.172
Photo taken of a destroyed factory near Corral, Chile, after a tsunami caused by the 1960 Valdivia earthquake. Credit: Buonasera, Wikipedia Commons
In 1960, Chile was hit by an earthquake that shook the region for about ten minutes. The Valdivia earthquake, as it was eventually called, triggered a tsunami with waves over 38 feet (12 meters) that devastated parts of the Chilean coast. As the host nation for the strongest earthquake ever recorded – measuring between 9.4 and 9.6 magnitude – South America, and Chile in particular, is what seismologists often refer to as a “natural laboratory” for seismology.
In new research presented at the annual meeting of the European Geosciences Federation (EGU) today, Jochen Wisner, a seismologist at RMS Inc. And his colleagues launch a new model that estimates earthquake hazards on buildings in Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. Using a wealth of newly available data for this seismically active region, the team created a frequency interval model for earthquakes.
How to make the largest earthquakes in the world
When two tectonic plates meet and one dense subsides under the other, geologists call these boundaries the subduction zone. Sometimes, friction can lock the subduction zone in place, causing pressure to build up as the plates continue to move toward each other over time. Massive earthquakes – the strongest in the world – occur when this pressure is released by the sudden and catastrophic rupture of previously suspended fragile rocks. The Valdivia earthquake ranks among the tremendous tremors, which are estimated to be stronger than the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan.
Many people in Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia suffer significant seismic hazards due to their proximity to the active subduction zone of the Andes, where the Nazca Plate sinks below the South American plate. Five of the 20 largest earthquakes in recorded history occurred along the plate boundaries. With proper scientific knowledge, oversight over insurance policies and strategies, risks can be mitigated to a certain degree. However, recent seismic data collected over the past 100 years are insufficient to assess long-term earthquake risks because massive earthquake crusts in this region tend to occur roughly every 300 years, says Kathleen Willis, a seismologist at Ghent University. Seismic data alone do not go far back in time. Scientists need a detailed record of earthquakes dating back to prehistoric times.
A figure from Woessner’s research shows the repeat time interval of a potential earthquake for southern Chile, a 1,500-kilometer portion of the subduction zone at risk of a massive event. They assume that earthquakes will not tear parts of the subduction zone. Credit: Woessner et al. 2021
Missing earthquake pieces
Although creating risk assessment models for the insurance industry is not new in and of itself, the Woessner team at RMS uses a dataset. In a 2020 study led by Welles, a PhD student at time of publication, she and her colleagues provide missing pieces in the puzzle of the modern and ancient seismic history of Chile.
Wils combined all available seismic data from the southern Chilean coast with a new data set from the country’s far south, creating a more complete record of earthquake history in the region. Wells and her colleagues identified ancient earthquakes in an ancient seismic record – an earthquake record that was traced in rocks and soil before modern seismic instruments. The intensity of many past earthquakes appeared to be similar to the large size of the 1960 earthquake, with smaller events scattered throughout the record.
Aysén Fjord, where Wils conducted her study of ancient earthquakes. “You can see one of the major scars of landslides surrounding the fjord, which were caused by a local (not massive) earthquake in 2007,” said Wells. Credit: Xavier Rayo (2013)
Wells showed that these incredibly massive and destructive earthquakes tend to occur every 321 years – more or less 116 years – along this portion of the plate boundary. This may be a relief to those who live in the area. However, smaller earthquakes occurring between giant crusts also carry a punch.
Juan Carlos de la Leira, dean and professor of structural and geotechnical engineering at Pontificia Catholic University in Chile, explained that large earthquakes in Chile occur at least once every 25 to 30 years. Even in the past 15 years alone, three devastating earthquakes of magnitude 8.2 or higher have struck Chilean regions near Molly, Iquique and Elabel, causing irreparable damage and loss of life.
Damage to the entire country from the 2010 Maule earthquake cost Chile around $ 30 billion. This photo of a building was taken in Concepcion shortly after the earthquake. Image credit: Claudio Nunez, Wikimedia Commons
Use the past to predict the future
Woessner and his team at RMS update their seismic risk models every few years for different regions around the world. As new data emerge, these models more accurately reflect the current state of knowledge. The latest RMS model for western South America – thanks in part to Wils’ new study – now contains the most complete and current dataset available, covering the seismically active west coast of South America.
The RMS model calculates the annual probable occurrence of earthquakes greater than or equal to 5.0 along the subduction zone. These incidence rates are the primary component of estimating future financial losses. Woessner and colleagues focused on both the damage and financial losses a single-family dwelling would incur in the event of an earthquake of magnitude 5.0 or greater. Thus, our group transfers the latest knowledge and scientific research into a product that enables insurance companies to set insurance rates [for earthquakes]Fossner said.
“On average, the cost of earthquakes and other natural hazards in Chile is about 1.2% of the country’s annual GDP,” said de la Lira. Combining Wils’s paleoseism data with Woessner’s new model means that policymakers and insurance providers will have an updated and localized picture of the risks that large and small earthquakes pose to buildings and infrastructure in Chile.
Woessner, J., Velasquez, J., Nyst, M., Fitzenz, D., & Eads, L. (2021). Repeating events of the Giant Trust: Impact on Hazards and Threats in South America (No. EGU21-7112). Copernicus Meetings.
Wils, K., Van Daele, M., Kissel, C., Moernaut, J., Schmidt, S., Siani, G., & Lastras, G. (2020). Seismo – Turbidites in Aysén Fjord (Southern Chile) reveal a complex pattern of rupture modes along the 1960 Megathrust seismic segment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125 (9), e2020JB019405.
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