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Pasadena Closes Library due to Earthquake Fears – NBC Los Angeles


Pasadena has ordered the closure of its Central Library building due to seismic safety concerns, authorities announced Tuesday.

The building, located at 285 E. Walnut St., has reopened. , Recently for personal services on a part-time basis after the county moved to the Orange Layer of the state’s four-tiered reopening coronavirus system.

However, a recent structural evaluation conducted as part of the scope of work for the Central Library Building Systems Development Project and Structural Assessment revealed that most of the building consists of unreinforced stone – known as URM – bearing walls that support concrete floors and walls, says Pasadena spokeswoman Lisa Deirdrian.

“It has been widely recognized that the URM buildings pose a safety risk because of their potential collapse during an earthquake,” Deirdrian said.

Although Pasadena decreed in 1993 that all URM buildings be modernized, vacated, or demolished, no record was found of why the Central Library was not identified and treated as a URM building, Deirdrian said.

“In addition, the results of the review submitted to the city indicate that the Central Library does not meet the current seismic standards recommended by the American Society of Civil Engineers,” she added. “ Therefore, given our current state of knowledge, the building is not safe to occupy. ”

Pasadena City Director Steve Mirmel said the news was “devastating”.

“The Central Library is more than just a building; it is the place where generations of families have grown up, and an iconic building that complements our civic status as one of Pasadena’s treasures,” said Mermel. We intend to do everything we can for evaluation. The seriousness of the problem and working to solve it. This library cannot remain empty, and we need to preserve it for another century of use. “

Designed by Myron Hunt in 1924, the Central Library was the first building completed on the historic Civic Center Plan in Pasadena. Deirdrian said the library is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, with an average of 1,000 visitors per day.

The Central Library is closed until further notice due to seismic safety issues. “We intend to do everything we can to assess the seriousness of the problem and work to solve it,” says Steve Mirmel, city manager. See news release for details:

PasadenaGov May 4, 2021

Deirdrian said that library staff are working on temporary solutions to ensure that the services and programs provided by the Central Library continue to exist at other library sites.

The Hastings and La Pintoresca branch libraries also recently reopened with limited hours. Deirdrian said those hours will be extended by the end of this week.

Lamanda Park, Santa Catalina, Linda Vista and San Rafael Branch libraries will open in the week of May 10th. Hill Avenue Branch Library will provide material transportation service normally available at Central Library on the sidewalk.

Central Library staff at other branches will be reassigned in order to provide extended hours of service at those locations. Deirdrian said the library phone, chat, online content and programming will continue unchanged.


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