Quake in Truckee gives California earthquake early warning app the first true earthquake early warning app test
The earthquake on Thursday night was large enough to trigger vibration alert warnings on smartphones for people in Northern California, and the alerts are part of an earthquake warning system sent when earthquakes reach 4.5 degrees or higher, and are designed to give people time to take shelter. “It was the first time that we have been able to use, on this scale, the Earthquake Early Warning System in California,” said California Office of Emergency Services spokesperson Brian Ferguson. The early warning system goes through the MyShake app, which was first in California. Introduced in October of 2019, the state was the first country in the country to adopt this technology. Oregon and Washington have since adopted the system that relies on an intricate network of seismometers – strategically placed across western states – to capture seismic activity. “The network will work to determine where this earthquake started and provide an estimate of how huge this earthquake is,” explained Tim Dawson, chief engineering geologist at the California Geological Survey. “This gets pushed to people’s phones and other devices.” The advance notice you receive depends on your proximity to an earthquake. Ferguson used the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake as an example to illustrate how the app could reach users. “If you were standing in Candlestick Park for the famous World Series game, the earthquake actually originated in Santa Cruz … you would have 15 seconds in Candlestick Park. You would have had about 18 if you were in Marin County and 20 if you were in Sonoma County,” “The further away from the point of origin, the more notifications we can deliver,” Ferguson explained. Emergency responders say the critical seconds can give people time to pull out of the road or find a safe place before shaking begins. Although the earthquake at Truckee was deemed “small to moderate” by geologists, and no injuries or severe damage have been reported, it should not be ignored. “These earthquakes are a great reminder that anywhere in California is a country of earthquakes,” Dawson said. “Especially in that region, these earthquakes can happen at any time. We cannot predict them, but we can prepare besides downloading the MyShake app to your devices and enabling the app to send notifications for your device. Geoscientists say it’s a good idea for people to check emergency supply kits.” To see if they are well equipped.Make sure to allocate a meeting place for your family in the event of an earthquake or your separation from it.
Thursday night’s earthquake was large enough to trigger tremor alert warnings on smartphones for people in Northern California.
The alerts are part of an earthquake warning system that is sent when earthquakes reach magnitude 4.5 or higher, and are designed to give people time to shelter.
“It was the first time that we have been able to use, on this scale, the Earthquake Early Warning System in California,” said California Office of Emergency Services spokesman Brian Ferguson.
The early warning system passes through the MyShake app, which first launched in California in October of 2019.
The country was the first in the country to adopt the technology. Oregon and Washington have since adopted the system that relies on an intricate network of seismometers – strategically placed across the western states – to capture seismic activity.
“The grid will determine where this earthquake started and will work to estimate the size of the earthquake,” said Tim Dawson, chief engineering geologist at the California Geological Survey. “This gets pushed to people’s phones and other devices.”
The advance notification you receive depends on your proximity to an earthquake. Ferguson used the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake as an example to illustrate how the app could reach users.
“If you were standing in Candlestick Park for the famous World Series game, the earthquake really originated in Santa Cruz … you would have had 15 seconds in Candlestick Park. You would have had 18 seconds if you were in Marin County and 20 if Ferguson explained,” you would In Sonoma County. ”“ The further away from the point of origin, the more notices we can provide. ”
Emergency responders say the critical seconds can give people time to pull out of the road or find a safe place before shaking begins.
Although geologists considered the earthquake at Truckee to be “small to moderate”, and no casualties or major damage were reported, it should not be ignored.
“These earthquakes are a great reminder that anywhere in California is an earthquake country,” Dawson said. “Especially in that region, these earthquakes can happen at any time. We cannot predict them, but we can prepare for them.”
Besides downloading the MyShake app to your devices and enabling the app to send your device notifications, geologists say it’s a good idea for people to check their emergency supply kits to see if they’re well equipped.
Also, make sure to allocate a meeting place for your family in the event of an earthquake or your separation from it.
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