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Coronavirus Updates Bengali plans more COVID beds for women amid the threat of the third wave


India registered less than 60,000 new coronavirus infections after 81 days taking the total number of COVID-19 cases to 2,98,81,965, while active cases dropped further to 7,29,243, according to data from the Ministry of Health. Updated union Sunday.

A total of 58,419 fresh infections per day were reported.

The death toll rose to 3,86,713 with 1,576 first deaths, the lowest in 63 days.

Here you can track cases of coronavirus, deaths and testing levels at the national and state levels. A list of State Aid Line numbers is also available.

Here are the latest updates:


44.49 loop doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered in Bengaluru

Target setting: 30 doses of lakh in 30 days. New target: Coverage of cities assessed 91 loaf citizens over the age of 18 over the next four months. Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has set himself an ambitious goal, but Chief Commissioner Gaurav Gupta said it was possible.

As of June 19 (until 6 p.m.), 44.49 loop doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered within the BBMP limits. Over 37.59 lakh citizens were administered with the first dose.

According to population forecasts, there are 26 lakh citizens over the age of 45, of whom over 15 lakhs have already been vaccinated. There are almost 66 loaf citizens in the age group 18-44 years. Over the next 30 days, the civilian body hopes to cover 45 poor citizens in all age groups.

Famous Odia singer Tapu Mishra dies of post-COVID complications

Famous Odia hearing singer Tapu Mishra died of complications following COVID while undergoing treatment at a private hospital here, family sources said on Sunday.

She was 36 years old. Her father also underwent COVID-19 on May 10th.

The singer breathed a sigh of relief on Saturday night. She was put in fan support two days ago after her oxygen level dropped drastically to 45. Her lungs had suffered major damage, sources at the hospital where she was admitted on May 19 said. – PTI


Odisha faces many obstacles in the rehabilitation of orphaned children

The devastating super cyclone in 1999 left hundreds of Odisha orphaned children throwing them into a sea of ​​despair and loneliness and forcing them to make the battle of life too early. Two decades later, COVID-19, which has so far claimed the lives of 3,500 people in Odisha, could leave many children facing a bleak future.

So far, 54 children have lost both their parents while 967 have been left with a single parent due to the pandemic in the state.

What problems plague the rehabilitation effort and what lessons can be learned from the 1999 super cyclone that hit the state? Read the full story here.

West Bengali

Bengali plans more COVID beds for women amid the threat of the third wave

The West Bengal government is planning to provide more hospital beds for women as it prepares to deal with the third possible wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, a senior health official said on Sunday.

The state is planning to change the gender ratio to 26,000 COVID beds in public and private hospitals, Health Services Director Ajay Chakraborty told PTI.

“The gender ratio for COVID-19 beds in West Bengal is currently around 60:40 for men. We are planning to change this by reducing the number of beds for male patients and increasing them for women and make it 40:60,” he said. ai. – PTI


Rising COVID-19 in Oman leads to new stalemate

The Sultanate of Oman has again turned into a severe blockade at night as it struggles to curb a huge increase in severe cases of coronavirus that has overloaded hospitals.

Just weeks after removing most of the restrictions between its vaccination campaign, the country on Saturday announced a massive curfew and closure of all public places and non-core businesses from 8pm to 4am.

Daily coronavirus infections have tripled in the past month in the Arab Gulf state. Doctors trying to treat the influx of new patients have reported bed and staff shortages at major hospitals. – AP


Dubai Airport Terminal 1 to reopen this week, the operator says

Dubai State Airport Operator on Sunday said it would reopen Terminal 1 at Dubai International Airport on Thursday after a 15-month shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Over 40 international airlines will now gradually relocate operations to the reopened terminal, the main airport structure for foreign airlines, from terminals 2 and 3, he said.

Terminal 1, where the airport competition is located, has an annual passenger capacity of 18 million passengers. The airport, a major international transit hub, is capable of handling up to 100 million passengers a year. – Reuters

Tamil Nadu

Villupuram student develops wearable device to find oxygen levels

A 24-year-old student, Mohamad Shakul Ameed, from Villupuram claims he has developed a wearable device that allows users to keep track of their SpO2 (oxygen saturation) levels. Continuous tracking can help diagnose COVID-19 symptoms early, he says.

According to Shakul Ameed, the device that wears modeled as a wristband works on Zigbee, a wireless technology that helps users keep track of their oxygen levels through an app called Blyink installed on their mobile phones.

Vitality is stored on the phone and access to the COVID-19 war room can be provided for centralized monitoring of people in detention areas and those isolated at home, he says. The device, hand-held, is connected to a mobile phone and the readings can be monitored remotely. – Special correspondent

Dubai eases travel restrictions from India

Authorities in Dubai have eased travel restrictions for its residents from certain countries, including India, if they have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine approved by the UAE, according to a media report.

The Dubai Supreme Crisis and Disaster Management Committee, chaired by Sheikh Mansoor bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, announced updates to the Dubai Travel Protocols for passengers arriving from South Africa, Nigeria and India, effective June 23, Gulf News reported.

With regard to travel from India, only travelers with a valid residence visa who have received two doses of a vaccine approved by the UAE are allowed to travel to Dubai. There are four vaccines approved by the UAE government Sinopharm, Pfizer-BioNTech, Sputnik V and Oxford-AstraZeneca, the report added.

The third wave in 6-8 weeks if appropriate behavior for Covid is not followed, warns AIIMS chief

If appropriate behavior for Covid is not followed and the crowd is not prevented, the next wave of viral infection could hit the country in the next six to eight weeks, AIIMS Director Randeep Guleria warned on Saturday.

Until a significant number of the population is vaccinated, appropriate behavior for Covid should be pursued aggressively, he said, stressing the need for stricter surveillance and area-specific blockades in the event of a significant increase.

Mr. Guleria reiterated that so far, there is no evidence to suggest that children will be more affected in the next wave of infection.

Do excessive deaths suggest that mortality exceeded one million?

If the official count as of May 15 was over 0.27 million deaths in India since the start of the pandemic, based on modeling, The Economist had estimated about one million COVID-19 deaths on 15 May. Despite a daily number of over 4,000 deaths in May this year, the report estimated between 6,000 and 31,000 excess deaths per day. The Institute for Health Metrics and Assessment (IHME) estimated that India will have one million deaths from COVID-19 by 1 August.

Based on the modeling, some Indian researchers outside India had also predicted that unregistered COVID-19 deaths since the onset of the pandemic could be at least five times greater, leading to over one million total COVID-19 deaths in India. We estimated the under-reporting of death by a two-five factor in the first wave. Now with growth, the reporting infrastructure has probably eclipsed dramatically. So I expect low death reporting to be massive now, said Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee, Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Michigan Hindu on April 24.

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