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DVIDS – News – Strengthening international security cooperation: Mongolian Armed Forces visit Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies

DVIDS – News – Strengthening international security cooperation: Mongolian Armed Forces visit Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies
DVIDS – News – Strengthening international security cooperation: Mongolian Armed Forces visit Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies


JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON, Alaska — In another important step toward increasing international security cooperation, Col. T. Galbadrakh, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Mongolian Armed Forces, made a key visit to the Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies on 14 February.

Welcomed by Randy Church Kee, Director of the Stevens Center, and other TSC leaders and staff, Galbadrakh's visit marked an important milestone in strengthening ties between Mongolia and the United States, particularly in the area of ​​defense and security.

The visit, coordinated through the National Guard's State Partnership Program (SPP), underscores the program's evolution into a vital instrument for strengthening US security cooperation on the global stage.

Originating as a US European Command initiative in 1991, SPP has flourished over its 30-year history, including 88 partnerships with nations around the world. Alaska and Mongolia formalized their partnership under the SPP in 2003, laying the groundwork for sustainable cooperation on defense and security issues.

Alaska is at the intersection of the Indo-Pacific and the Arctic. Like Mongolia, our location is strategic and the importance of our security partnership cannot be underestimated, Kee explained.

During the visit, discussions between Galbadrakh and TSC leadership delved into avenues through which the center could expand educational opportunities for members of the Mongolian Armed Forces. Emphasizing the importance of innovation to enable decisive multi-domain operations, both sides explored strategies to leverage the expertise housed within the TSC to effectively address contemporary security challenges.

Mongolia and the United States have many common security interests. By facilitating the participation of the Mongolian Armed Forces in our courses, we expand our network of like-minded security practitioners from the Indo-Pacific to gain insight into the evolving strategic challenges of the Arctic region, said Kee.

At the heart of TSC's mission is the creation of strong and sustainable networks of security leaders, both domestically and internationally. Anchored in promoting and conducting research focused on Arctic security, the center aims to advance DoD's security priorities in the region. The center's School of Arctic Security and Climate Studies is dedicated to providing course and scholarship opportunities to nations with Arctic interests, reflecting its commitment to fostering a graduate cadre focused on security cooperation.

Our international course participants are essential to develop a shared understanding of the contemporary security environment. Their perspectives are invaluable in addressing current and emerging security concerns, Kee continued.

While Mongolia may not be geographically located in the Arctic, its strategic partnership with the United States underscores a shared interest in ensuring stability and security in the region. Galbadrakh's visit to TSC served as the inaugural step in welcoming the Mongolian Armed Forces to engage in the center's programs, ranging from courses to research works and fellowship initiatives.

At the heart of this relationship with the Mongolian Armed Forces is our enduring partnership with the Daniel K. Inouye Center for Security Studies in the Asia Pacific. While the Mongolian Armed Forces are well known for the outstanding programs at the Inouye Center, they now have the benefit of two DoD regional centers that work seamlessly from the Pacific to the Arctic, Kee said.

Looking ahead, both sides expressed enthusiasm to strengthen this burgeoning relationship by integrating the Mongolian Armed Forces into the international network of security practitioners cultivated by the TSC. Together, they aim to increase interaction in the Arctic region together with allies and partners, contributing to a stable, rules-based order.

As the world navigates an evolving security landscape, the partnerships forged through initiatives like the SSP reaffirm the enduring commitment to security and collective cooperation. The visit of Galbadrakh and his delegation to the center marks a key moment in advancing these shared objectives, underscoring the importance of education, research and cooperation in protecting the interests of nations in the Arctic and beyond.

Date of receipt: 21.02.2024
Post date: 21.02.2024 22:04
Story ID: 464426

Web Views: 18
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