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Election 2024 is all the dates, deadlines and information you need to know

Election 2024 is all the dates, deadlines and information you need to know


2024 election

Elections will take place on Thursday, May 2 for Stroud District Council, parish and town councils, the Police and Crime Commissioner and several neighborhood planning referendums.


Stroud District Council wants residents to make sure they are registered to vote. To vote, please go to You'll need your National Insurance number, signing up only takes a few minutes. Alternatively, residents can register to vote by calling 01453 766321. The deadline is midnight, Tuesday 16 April 2024.

Photo Identification (ID)

The UK government has introduced a requirement for registered voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station. All voters will be required to present a government-approved photo identification at the polling station to be issued with a ballot. Residents are asked to make sure they are ready to vote by checking they have an accepted form of ID.

The most common forms of photo identification are allowed eg photo driver's licence, passport and some concessionary travel permits such as a bus for elderly people. Voters will be able to use the expired ID if they can still be identified by the photo. Only original documents are accepted. Further details and a full list of acceptable forms of ID are included on the Council's website at

If you do not have an accepted form of photo ID, you can apply for a Certificate of Voter Authority free of charge. To apply, visit or book an appointment to have a photo taken and complete an application at the district council offices by calling 01453 766321. The deadline to apply for a Certificate of Voter Authority is 5pm on Wednesday 24 April 2024.

Applications to vote by mail online

You can now apply to vote by post online and you'll need to provide your National Insurance number to verify your identity.

Apply for postal voting at Postal voting application forms are available to download at or can be obtained by emailing elections@stroud. or by calling 01453 766321.

The deadline for postal vote applications is 5pm on Wednesday 17 April 2024

Proxy vote

To apply for a proxy vote either:

  • Apply to (you will need your national insurance number)
  • Download an application form and post or email it to Stroud District Council
  • Call 01453 766321 or email [email protected].

Your proxy will need to vote on your behalf at your polling station and present their photo ID. The deadline for Applications for the proxy vote are 17:00, Wednesday 24 April 2024.

For more details and information on emergency proxy votes: -2024

Kathy O'Leary, Returning Officer for Stroud District Council, said: With 6 weeks until polling day, make sure you're ready for the polls on Thursday 2nd May. Check that you have an accepted form of photo ID and remember to bring it with you to the polling station on polling day.

I would encourage all district residents to make sure they are registered to vote and have the appropriate photo ID to vote.

If you are running for election

The District and Parish Council Elections notice was published on Monday 18 March 2024 and the period for potential candidates to submit their nomination papers for all 51 district council seats and all parish and city councils opened at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 19. . Nominations for these close at 4pm on Friday 5 April. Nomination papers must be hand delivered to the council offices in Ebley Mill on weekdays between 10am, 4pm. All candidates in the election will be published after 4pm on Friday 5 April.

How to vote

There are three ways to vote:

  • Personally – between 07:00am and 10:00pm on Thursday 2 May at your polling place (voters will be required to bring photo ID to vote). Ballot cards will be issued on or about March 28, 2024 for every voter who is registered to vote in this election.
  • By mail to vote by post, you will need to complete an application form and send it to the Electoral Registration Officer to arrive by 17:00 on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Existing postal voters will receive a voting card confirming this and should receive their postal votes approximately 15 days before polling day.
  • By proxy to vote by proxy (the voter appoints someone they trust to vote on their behalf at the polling station), you will need to complete an application form and send it to the Electoral Registration Officer to arrive by 17:00, Wednesday, April 24, 2024. Voters with existing proxy will receive a voting card confirming this. Proxy voters will be required to bring photo identification to the polling station to vote.

Postal and proxy voting application forms are available on the Stroud District Council website or you can email [email protected] or call 01453 766321 to request an application form.


Counting takes place on Friday 3 May and Saturday 4 May and you can keep up to date with the results at and the council's social media channels. .

The full election timetable can be seen at – schedule

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