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Notre Dame International expands global reach and presence with new name: Notre Dame Global | News | Notre Dame News

Notre Dame International expands global reach and presence with new name: Notre Dame Global |  News |  Notre Dame News


Graphically designed image showing 8 different rings of images from Notre Dame locations around the globe with a central circle that says

Starting today (April 15), Notre Dame International will adopt a new name, Notre Dame Global, and will be introduced on its new portal at The renaming emphasizes the interconnectedness of the University of Notre Dame's 12 locations around the world and reflects Notre Dame Globals' vital role in advancing Notre Dame as a leading global Catholic research university, on par with, but distinct from, top private universities in the world.

The update is compatible with The strategic framework of universities which calls for increased global engagement and underscores Notre Dame Globals' commitment to being the place where Notre Dame meets the world and the world meets Notre Dame, said Michael Pippengervice president and associate provocateur for internationalization.

We want everyone to see and know that Notre Dame is operating worldwide as one university. To that end, renaming our division Notre Dame Global allows our partners to recognize us as using the same common language that other global actors on campus are using to describe the scope of their research and scholarship.

Through the work of its students, faculty, researchers and partners, Notre Dame Global will continue to offer integrative learning experiences that develop global competencies and cultural understanding, collaborative and impactful global research that improves lives, thoughtful partnerships that produce engagement transformative and an inclusive and supportive team of global professionals.

Catholicism is the most global, multicultural and multilingual institution in the world, and Notre Dame must better embody that reality in the next decade, he said. John T. McGreevy, Charles and Jill Fischer Provost and Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History. Becoming a more global university is as important to the next generation at Notre Dame as the effort to develop research was to the last, and Notre Dame Global is a crucial strategic partner in that effort.

Founded as Notre Dame International in 2010, Notre Dame Global has expanded the University's impact on five continents and partnered with Notre Dame Research to facilitate externally funded research projects in more than 95 countries.

The Notre Dame Globals network now includes 12 active sites worldwide. Formerly known as global gateways and hubs, the newly rebranded global locations include:

  • Notre Dame London
  • Notre Dame Rome
  • An entity in Africa: Notre Dame Nairobi
  • Three in Asia: Notre Dame Beijing, Notre Dame Hong Kong and Notre Dame Mumbai
  • Two in Ireland: Notre Dame Dublin and Notre Dame Kylemore
  • Three entities in Latin America: Notre Dame Mexico, Notre Dame Santiago and Notre Dame So Paulo
  • One in the Middle East: Notre Dame Jerusalem, which will continue to share the facilities and services of the University of Notre Dame in Tantur withTantur Ecumenical Institute

In addition to operating these locations around the world, Notre Dame Global serves an international student population that has grown significantly and now includes more than 37,000 international students who have studied at the South Bend campus since the first international student arrived in 1850.

Over the past decade, the international population at Notre Dame has grown by approximately 34 percent, with the most significant growth coming from Latin America for graduate students (a 58 percent increase) and from Africa (73 percent) and Asia Central/South (52 percent. ) for graduate/professional students.

The International Student and Scholar Affairs team within Notre Dame Global has been instrumental in supporting the ever-growing number of students and scholars, and in navigating an increasingly complicated immigration landscape by providing expert advice and friendly resources to the students.

Notre Dame Global has also long been a leader in helping Notre Dame students experience the world over 60 semesters and the academic year and 20 summers study abroad programs covering 30 countries. Last November, Notre Dame was ranked second in the nation for study abroad participation among doctoral-granting universities, according to the latter. Institute of International Education Report, Open Doors. During the 2021-2022 academic year, 77 percent of undergraduate students participated in study abroad programs, a recognition that underscores the University's commitment to global education.

Notre Dame Global strives to be a steward of the university's enduring commitment to global scholarship, Pippenger said. We want to ensure that the mission and vision of Notre Dames extends to every corner of the world. In doing so, we stand in solidarity with others, joining forces with partners to learn from each other and then work together to serve the common good.

To learn more about Notre Dame Global and its commitment to global scholarship, visit global.nd.eduOR watch Notre Dame Global's new video.

Contact: Tracy DeStazio, associate director of media relations, 574-631-9958 or [email protected]




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