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Anne Hathaway's Cerulean Sheer Cutout Dress Is Perfect for Spring

Anne Hathaway's Cerulean Sheer Cutout Dress Is Perfect for Spring


A new Anne Hathaway movie means a slew of OOTDs on press tours and fashion 10s across the board (organized with the help of her stylist Erin Walsh). So, with the release of The idea of ​​you just around the corner, the actress and style icon is blessing our feeds with good look after very good look. In fact, on Monday, the star stepped out in New York in two different outfits before the clock struck twelve.

Hathaway's second ensemble of the day, which she wore during an appearance in Live with Kelly and Mark, included a sheer sleeveless midi dress that was “not just blue”, “not turquoise”, “not lapis”, but actually “cerulean” blue. The Simkhai ribbed dress featured a mesh midsection layered with a matching bra top and what appears to be a bodycon skirt. Perhaps the most revolutionary detail was the dress's ruffled hem, which bounced with every step she took in her teal pointy-toe pumps.

Hathaway kept the accessories minimal with delicate gold hoops and a handful of coordinating rings. She finished the outfit with a pair of black square sunglasses. Her long brown hair was worn down and straight with bangs across her forehead.

Earlier in the morning, the actress had a monochromatic moment on THE Today To show in a white Patou mini dress and short-sleeved jacket, paired with matching tights, pointed heels and a shoulder bag.

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The neat and polished outfit was a change from her full outfit Matrix on Sunday, which included a three-piece Ralph Lauren black leather suit with a white button down and black skinny tie. The star wore this fashion-forward ensemble to a screening of her upcoming film at 92NY.

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During his joint appearance with co-star Nicholas Galitzine in The Today To show, Hathaway explained how the film (based on the 2017 novel of the same name) addresses the on-screen couple's age gap, a crucial plot detail in both the book and the film. In the film, which will be available to stream on Amazon Prime on May 2, Hathaway plays 40-year-old Solne, who falls in love with 24-year-old boy band leader Hayes Campbell (Galitzine).

“It's kind of fun to be in a movie where we're talking about it, where we're not dancing around it, but where we're actually embracing his perspective on it,” Hathaway said. It's funny; it's OK if 40 is old; it's OK if 40 isn't old, it's OK whatever because it's personal. For Solne, her point of view is, you know, she became a mother at a very young age and she really wanted to have a career, so she doesn't totally identify with her age.”




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