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DentalSlim Diet Control: Researchers Defend Weight Loss Devices After Caused Mockery on Social Media

DentalSlim Diet Control: Researchers Defend Weight Loss Devices After Caused Mockery on Social Media
DentalSlim Diet Control: Researchers Defend Weight Loss Devices After Caused Mockery on Social Media


Weight loss devices prevent users from eating solid foods by locking their mouths almost closed.Photo / Attachment

A new weight loss device that uses magnets to prevent you from opening your mouth enough to eat solids has been labeled by critics as “creepy and weird.”

However, Dunedin researchers who developed the device defend the invention by saying that people panning weight loss tools misunderstand its intentions.

Researchers at the University of Otago and the United Kingdom have developed the world’s first device that uses magnets to lock the mouth almost closed to combat the global obesity epidemic.

DentalSlim Diet Control is an intraoral device worn by dental professionals on the upper and lower teeth of the back.

I used a magnetic device with a uniquely manufactured locking bolt.

The device was widely ridiculed after being shared on social media, and Twitter users called it “creepy” and “strange.”

Professor Paul Brunton, vice president of health sciences at the University of Otago, said it wasn’t intended for general weight loss purposes, but for specific cases that require rapid clinical weight loss.

“Sometimes the first step [of losing weight] It is so difficult that it was developed in terms of being an additional treatment that can be used when appropriate. “

Professor Paul Brunton, Vice President of Health Sciences, University of Otago, has a weight loss device.Photo / Attachment
Professor Paul Brunton, Vice President of Health Sciences, University of Otago, has a weight loss device.Photo / Attachment

Brunton said feedback from colleagues in this area was positive.

This device allows the wearer to open only about 2 mm and is restricted to a liquid diet, but allows freedom of speech and does not restrict breathing.

Participants in the Dunedin trial lost an average of 6.36 kg in two weeks and were motivated to continue their weight loss journey.

It is installed by the dentist and can be released by the user in an emergency, repeatedly installed and removed.

“People’s main barrier to successful weight loss is compliance, which helps them establish new habits and allows them to adhere to a low-calorie diet for a period of time.
“It really starts the process.

This device uses the power of a magnet.Photo / Attachment
This device uses the power of a magnet.Photo / Attachment

“It’s a non-invasive, reversible, economical, and attractive alternative to surgical procedures,” says Professor Brunton.

He said the tool could be particularly useful for people who need to lose weight before undergoing surgery and for diabetics who may begin remission when they lose weight.

In the 1980s, surgical wiring of people’s jaws became common, but at risk. Vomiting poses a risk of choking, and after 9-12 months the patient develops periodontal disease.

In some cases, there were ongoing problems with restricted jaw movement, and some developed an acute mental state.

“There is a need for alternative strategies that may eliminate surgery or lose weight before surgery to make surgery easier and safer.

“The beauty of it is that once the patient puts on the device, the magnet can be removed after a few weeks.

“Then you can spend a period of less dietary restrictions before returning to treatment.”

The design has since improved, but explained that patients given the device can tolerate it.

“This can actually help a lot of people.”

The research team consisted of Dr. Brunton of the University of Otago, Dr. Zitendra Ratnayake, Dr. Peter May, Dr. Artie Vera Sammy, Dr. Jonathan Bodansky of Leeds, and Dr. Richard Hall, an RMH consultant at Leeds.

This paper was published in the British Dental Journal.


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