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New face mask guidance from the CDC recommends that vaccinated people wear masks indoors in certain areas

New face mask guidance from the CDC recommends that vaccinated people wear masks indoors in certain areas


“I’m curious about this new science and unfortunately we need to update our recommendations,” she said. “This is not a light decision we or the CDC made.”

New unpublished data show that vaccinated people infected with the delta coronavirus variant may carry as much virus as unvaccinated people, the latest in the CDC A source involved in the decision-making process told CNN that it was the main driver of the change in mask guidance. Overall, vaccinated people still play a small role in infection, and breakthrough infections are rare.

In addition, sources pointed out two other factors that led to this decision: prevalence of delta mutants and low vaccine intake.

When the CDC previously revised the guidance for vaccinated people to remove masks on May 13, Delta was only 1% of reported infections. Currently, it accounts for at least 83% of cases, according to the CDC.

Sources also said that the country’s overall immunization levels were lower than initially expected, with most infections occurring in areas with immunization levels of less than 40% of the population.

“When we get information about risks and how to mitigate them, we have a public health obligation to inform people about it,” said a senior executive. The White House hopes that the new guidance will give local authorities “more coverage” and implement new mask obligations when appropriate.

In the meantime, the guidance for unvaccinated people remains the same: continue masking until they are completely vaccinated.

Currently, nearly half (46%) of US counties have high infection rates, and 17% have “substantial” infection rates. According to data from the CDC, As of Tuesday morning.

According to CDC data, two states, Arkansas and Louisiana, currently have “high” levels of Covid-19 community infections in all counties. Several other states, including Missouri, Missouri, and Alabama, also show “high” prevalence in almost all counties. In Florida, all counties were listed with high infection rates on Monday. As of Tuesday morning, one (Glades County) has a significant infection.

“Vaccinated individuals continue to show that the amount of infection occurring nationwide is very low. The risk of symptomatic breakthrough infection from exposure to delta mutants is estimated to be reduced by a factor of seven. I am hospitalized and died. ”

“As the CDC recommends for months, unvaccinated individuals should be vaccinated and masked until fully vaccinated,” she said. “In high infection and high infection areas, the CDC recommends that fully vaccinated people wear masks in public indoor environments, which prevents the spread of delta variants and prevents the spread of delta variants. It helps protect other people, including schools. ”

In these two states, all counties are listed as

The latest CDC guidance also recommends that community leaders be encouraged to vaccinate and wear masks to prevent further outbreaks in high-incidence areas. The guidance states, “Wear a mask if your immune system is weakened, if you are at high risk of serious illness due to age or underlying illness, or if someone in your family has a weakened immune system. Is the most important. The system, high risk of severe illness, or not vaccinated. If this applies to you or your family, wear a mask regardless of the level of infection in your area. You may choose. “

Authorities recommend that local jurisdictions encourage universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and school visitors, regardless of vaccination status.

Earlier this month CDC Covid-19 School Guidance Fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks, after about a week American Academy of Pediatrics Issued Stricter Guidance It is recommended that all persons over the age of 2 wear a mask at school, regardless of vaccination status.

Currently, the updated CDC guidance recommends that everyone in the school wear a mask.

The CDC recommends encouraging everyone to wear a mask at school, regardless of vaccination status.

“The CDC recommends that everyone in K to 12 schools, including teachers, staff, students and visitors, wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status. Children are appropriate. We need to take some precautionary measures and return to full-time face-to-face learning in the fall, “Walensky said. “Finally, the CDC recommends that community leaders encourage vaccination and universal masking to prevent further outbreaks in substantive and prevalent areas. More Americans in the Delta variant. It is more urgent than ever to vaccinate against. “

The updated CDC guidance “makes a lot of sense,” he said. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine Board members with Medical Epidemiology Association, Told CNN on Tuesday.

“The breakthrough disease is clearly occurring, and in such cases we know that the vaccinated person is much milder, but how infectious the vaccinated person is. I don’t know, “he said. “But obviously, when it comes to protecting children and grandchildren under the age of 12, protecting people with immunodeficiencies, and protecting their health from mild illness, especially in areas with high infection rates. Must wear a mask. When indoors. “

Guidance is discussed for days

The CDC last updated the mask guidance two months ago, saying that most fully vaccinated people could go indoors without a mask. The guidance moved so quickly that government officials were notified in less than a day, and many public health professionals were surprised.

This time, the updated guidance on the CDC is expected in the next few days.

As highly contagious delta coronavirus variants continue to prevail throughout the United States, federal health officials have discussed whether to issue new guidance on masks and gathered on Sunday night to discuss the infectivity of the mutants. We looked at new data and evidence for breakthrough cases. Vaccinated people, according to those familiar with the story.

The CDC emphasized on Tuesday that vaccination could prevent serious illness, hospitalization and death, despite some groundbreaking cases. The CDC also said that the largest spread of Covid-19 cases and serious consequences is occurring between low-vaccinated areas and unvaccinated people.

“There are many reasons to get vaccinated. Not only do you prevent death, hospitalization, and protection for your loved ones, but you don’t have permanent symptoms such as loss of smell, taste, or confusion. Period. ”

“There are still many reasons to get vaccinated. It is advisable to wear a mask, even under certain circumstances,” he said. “If the CDC and others are flexible and can increase the rate of vaccination and reduce the rate of infection again, I will return to the recommendation that masks are not needed if vaccinated. I haven’t seen it for quite some time. “





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