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Vaccine passports are unlikely to be required in New Zealand settings-legal experts


People are unlikely to do so Providing a vaccine passport is legally required To business owners to use their services.

participant is

Two Israeli men present their “green pass” or vaccination passport at an event held at a stadium in Tel Aviv.
Photo: AFP

This year, health, customs and transportation stakeholders are working to create a health path system.

Originally intended for overseas travelers, it may be rolled out domestically.

Legal advice suggests that compulsory use of passports in the country may be challenged under human rights law.

RNZ understands that attempts to mandate a Covid-19 vaccination passport at places such as restaurants and bars, or at events such as rugby games and concerts, can lead to a heterogeneous situation for authorities. I am.

Marisa Bidowa

Marisa Bidowa, Chief Executive Officer of the Restaurant Association.
Photo: supply

As a result, any movement regarding vaccination certificates will be held accountable to the employer and will be forced to make a moral decision as to whether to serve people without verification of vaccination.

Marisa Bidowa, CEO of the Restaurant Association, said it was unfair to small businesses.

“Some of the main concerns companies have in this discussion were the fact that they had to manage the process for this,” said Bidwa.

“I think it’s hard to ask a small business owner or other company to crack down on this kind of system.”

Support for mandatory vaccine certificates to access restaurants has declined in the last two months, according to Bidwa.

Prior to Auckland’s current blockade, about 70% of the restaurants surveyed said they had widespread support for the vaccine passport system, but recently it has dropped to 50%.

“Many people were very reluctant to implement something like this, unless mandated.

“But some people are jumping in and have seen some business owners support this, considering how they might now be able to implement it in their business. Is to be. “

Attendees brag

Before the concert in Tel Aviv, a woman shows evidence of double vaccination.
Photo: AFP

Sheridan Cook, a partner at Auckland law firm Buddle Findlay, said she was unlikely to force the use of vaccination passports in the country.

He said he could, but the big legal issue is the risk posed by patrons.

“The New Zealand Rights Bill does not have the status to invalidate other laws,” Cook said.

“The government is supposed to act in accordance with the rights bill when enacting such things, but withdraw it, as in the United States, where the US Constitution could be used to withdraw legislation. Cannot be used for.

“Maybe there are still challenges by people under the rights bill, but again, is this a legitimate restriction on people’s freedom of movement?”

Source RNZ states that the mandatory vaccination certificate framework may be similar to the mandatory scan rule framework implemented nationwide.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern believes that it requires people to scan or sign in to businesses for contact tracing purposes, but individuals do not have such a law.

The law only states that businesses must provide people with the ability to scan or sign in.

Companies don’t have to force people to sign in.

Cook said similar rules make sense given the current threat of the virus, which would hold business owners accountable.

“At this point, in this kind of foreseeable future, we may not be so bad, but it will depend on the enterprise.

“And some of them will make it a marketing step, they will come to our store or say something, because as you know, everyone who works here is vaccinated. We have received and we only include those who are. “

Michael Drayer, National Digital Services Manager at the Ministry of Health, said the My COVID Record service will be open to the public by the end of the year.

He said vaccine certificates are likely to be in the form of QR codes that comply with international standards and can be scanned and verified.

It poses additional questions for businesses, such as how they are expected to scan such documents and whether they have to get out of their own pockets.

Covid-19 Minister of Response Chris Hipkins said the first phase of the vaccination certificate will be available within a few weeks.





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