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The Truth About Breast Cancer

The Truth About Breast Cancer


What the ubiquitous pink ribbon means, and what happens when an army of women in pink T-shirts and their loved ones march through cities and suburbs to raise money for research. Everyone knows if there is.And that’s obviously a good thing breast cancer It’s no longer a taboo subject when too many women are embarrassed to seek the care and support they need early enough to save their lives.

But with all the information there (and 1 in 8 women There are also some myths that can interfere with early detection and treatment (diagnosed in their lifetime). First, share what is fact and what is fiction about breast cancer.

mythology #1: If there are no lumps, there is no breast cancer.

Many women say they have no lumps when cancer is found on the mammogram Dawn Musarem, DO.. Hematology and Oncology Breast Health Specialist at Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida. Still, it’s important to pay attention to breast changes and tell your doctor right away, says Susan Brown (RN), managing director of education and patient support for nonprofit breast cancer tissues. Susan G. Commen.. Signs of cancer These include thickening and swelling of the breast, redness and peeling around the nipple, wrinkles on the skin, nipple inversion, secretions, breast pain, and changes in size and shape. But if you find a lump, don’t panic. Most of the lumps are benign, says Dr. Mussallem.

mythology #2: The fight against breast cancer has almost won.

Despite all the perceptions, breast cancer remains a major concern.that is Second most common cancer In a woman (Skin cancer comes first) And the second most deadly (following lung cancer). Approximately 279,100 people will be diagnosed and 42,690 will die this year. From 2012 to 2016, the latest data available, the number of cases of invasive breast cancer surged.

Still, we have made remarkable progress. Breast cancer-related death It has dropped an astonishing 40% since 1989. This is primarily due to early detection, reduced hormone replacement therapy, and better, more targeted treatment, says Brown. Hope for the future is that detection will one day be as easy as doing a blood or urine test, and access to more clinical trials and fairer medical care can save even more lives. That is.

mythology #3: Breast cancer is breast cancer.

Breast cancer is not a single illness, but “a family of illnesses, each with its own personality,” says Brown. Some contain a type of protein that grows cancer cells. Some (such as estrogen or progesterone receptor-positive tumors) are sensitive to hormones, while others are not. How the cancer grows and is treated (chemotherapy, surgery, other drugs, or a combination thereof) depends on the type or subtype of breast cancer. The most common type, which accounts for 70% to 80% of cases, is invasive ductal carcinoma, which begins in the duct and then spreads, Dr. Mussallem said. Other types of invasive breast cancer include invasive lobular cancer and inflammatory breast cancer. These are rare, fast-growing cancers that are common in black and obese women.

mythology #Four: If you don’t have a family history, don’t worry too much.

MythBusters About 85% The percentage of women with breast cancer is “Because of the history of breast cancer and no relatives.All women There is a risk and you need to monitor the signs and get a mammogram, “Brown says. The two greatest risk factors are being born and getting older as a woman. Others include dense breast tissue and high BMI.

Still, family history is important. According to Brown, the risk is almost doubled if there are first-generation relatives (mothers, sisters, daughters) at risk.When 5% to 10% of breast cancer The result of rare hereditary mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, 70% Before the age of 70, it is more likely to be found in women with an Ashkenazi Jewish heritage. If you are at high risk, talk to your doctor about precautions such as medication, surgery, and early screening.

mythology #Five: There is little you can do other than screen and monitor for signs.

Weight, frequency of exercise, alcohol and tobacco use, and the hormones you consume all affect your risk of breast cancer, says Dr. Mussallem. Maintaining a healthy weight is very important because obesity increases the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer by 1.5 to 2 times. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, physical activity can prevent 1 in 8 cases of breast cancer. father, Research suggests Regular sweating can reduce the risk of breast cancer in all women, including those at very high risk, by 10% to 20%.

Also, be aware of the amount of alcohol you drink. Women who drink a few cups a day 20% higher odds There is an increased risk of breast cancer, but “higher alcohol levels increase the risk of breast cancer, and higher drinks increase the risk,” says Dr. Mussallem. Whatever the history of your family, it’s a good idea to go easy.

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