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Tuesday May 19th: New Humboldt County COVID-19 confirmed today: 5 – Standard Time


Edited from the Humboldt County Joint Information Center release:

A second death from COVID-19 was recorded today, and the number of cases in Humboldt County has increased to 86, with five new positive cases confirmed.

The deceased individual was a very senior at Alder Bay Assist Living.

“This second death clearly reminds us of the severity of the virus,” said Dr. Teresa Francovich of the Humboldt County Department of Health. “The elderly and people with chronic illnesses are at the highest risk of serious illness.”

Of the five new cases, one is an Alder Bay worker, three are known case contacts, and one is under investigation.

COVID-19 daily test results

May 19 COVID-19 Case Report

Total confirmed cases: 86
Total cases recovered: 59
Total number of hospitalizations: 11
Total deaths: 2
Submit information for all known cases

Contact known cases: 46
Acquired by traveling: 24
Community transmission: 14
Under investigation: 2
Total number of people tested by Public Health Institute: 2,497

Total number of people tested by all other sources: 2,148
(California Department of Public Health Disease Control and Prevention Center and Commercial Institute)

The Public Health Laboratory can now perform about 2,000 tests, process about 65 samples per day, and take about 48-72 hours.

What do these numbers mean?

New positive case: The number of positive cases that the test has confirmed since the last report.

Total positive cases so far: The number of positive cases confirmed in tests since the beginning of the pandemic, including those who recovered from the disease.

Total hospitalization to date: The total number of COVID-positive people hospitalized since the beginning of the pandemic.

Total public health laboratory tests to date: The number of people whose samples were tested by the Humboldt County Institute of Public Health.

Total commercial lab testing to date: Total number of tests run by LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics. The turnaround times for these non-local labs are slower than those for local labs, primarily due to the time it takes for local samples to be shipped to another location for testing.

Public Health Laboratory Testing Capabilities: Approximate number of test kits complete and ready for administration. This number is reduced by testing and increases as additional supply is acquired.

Public Health Institute Time Required: Estimated time taken for each test run. Each run can contain up to 20 samples. You can run multiple batches each day.

Transmission data:

Travel acquisition: Nationally, internationally or locally.

Contact known cases: An individual found to have made direct contact with a person who has been diagnosed with a positive virus.

Community submission: Spreads without known contact with travel and other positive cases.

Under investigation: Positive cases for which the means of transmission have not yet been determined.

Regional data:

  • It is currently measured by the percentage of confirmed cases living in populated areas.
  • As soon as the minimum threshold of positive cases by region is reached, it will be represented by the region.

sex: Gender of individuals who tested positive for COVID-19. Total number of cases as a percentage.

Average age: The average age of all individuals who test positive for COVID-19. Average age is calculated by summing all the ages of the individual and dividing by the number of cases.

Testing and confirmed case rates compared to California: The number of tests performed per 100,000 people. The number of tests performed is provided by Humboldt County Public Health Institute, LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, CDPH and CDC. Population estimates are based on US Census Bureau data. Rates are calculated by dividing the total number of tests performed by the jurisdictional population.

Number of confirmed cases compared to California: COVID-19 confirmed cases per 100,000. Test results are provided by Humboldt County Public Health Laboratory, LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, CDPH and CDC. Population estimates are based on US Census Bureau data. Rates are calculated by dividing the total number of confirmed cases by the population of the jurisdiction.

Notes on patient and demographic data

To protect the identities of people with COVID-19, their particular place of residence is not exposed. The Humboldt County Public Health Branch has a legal responsibility to protect personal health information, including address, specific age, recent trips, contact ID and location, health care provider, illness history, and other identifiable information. There are individuals who are infected or are exposed to the virus unless they provide a public health benefit.

Interesting for residents, providing location and demographic information to the general public does not delay the spread of the disease. Humboldt County has experienced untraceable person-to-person transmission, also known as “community spread,” and nowhere is considered safe. To reduce the chance of acquiring or spreading COVID-19, avoid travel, wash your hands, keep yourself and the environment clean, follow the instructions of your evacuation site, and for any reason except absolutely necessary. Please do not leave home so.

The following case information will be provided daily from Monday to Saturday.

  • New positive case
  • Total number of positive cases so far
  • Total hospitalization to date
  • Public Health Laboratory inspection totals to date
  • Total commercial lab testing so far
  • Public Health Laboratory Testing Capabilities, Total and Daily, Expected Duration
  • Transmission data
  • Acquisition of travelers
  • Contact known cases
  • Community submission
  • Under investigation

Additional information will be provided every Friday:

  • Regional data (currently measured as a percentage of densely populated areas, which will soon be displayed instead by the regional after the minimum threshold of positive cases per region is reached)
  • sex
  • Average age
  • Test and positive test rates compared to California.

For the latest information on COVID-19, please visit: Or Local information is Or contact us during business hours [email protected] Or call 707-441-5000.

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