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US COVID cases have fallen by more than 50% since the peak of the summer resurgence


The average number of days for COVID-19 cases in the United States continues to decline, triggered by the summer resurgence caused by the delta mutation.

Over the past week, an average of about 72,000 new cases of the virus have occurred daily in the United States, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University. This represents a 58% reduction in the average daily number of cases from the peak of the approximately 172,500 COVID resurgence reported by the United States on September 13.

This decrease may be primarily due to higher vaccination coverage in the United States. Number of vaccine obligations And that FDAApproval Pfizer dosage..according to CDC, 66% of Americans have been vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine at least once. About 58% are considered fully vaccinated and 8% are boosted.

covid cases are reduced
The average number of days for COVID-19 cases in the United States continues to decline, triggered by a resurgence from the delta mutation. The photo above, taken on May 23, 2020, is a dose of COVID-19 new coronavirus vaccine candidate ready for monkey testing at the National Primates Research Center in Thailand at Chulalongkorn University in Saraburi. Shows the inspector holding the.
Mladen Antonov / AFP via Getty Images

The downward trend in this case has been consistent over the past few weeks. Newsweek Previously reported The number of cases decreased by 44% from the peak in September to October 11.

With these latest figures, some experts now seem to have hope in the near future, and the United States believes that at least there will be no resurgence of scale caused by infectious delta mutations from the summer. I am.

“Personally, I’m optimistic that this could be one of the last big surges, because so many people are vaccinated and many are COVID. “Because we are infected with,” said Dr. Arturo Casadevall.Johns Hopkins Chair of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology Bloomberg Reported by CNBC’s Faculty of Public Health. “We now have a lot of immunity to the population.”

Declining cases have been seen throughout the country, but the South has seen the sharpest decline after being hit hardest by the Delta variants. Florida, which was called by many of the epicenters of the recent COVID revival, is now The lowest risk category for CDC Last week, the number of new cases was only 13,000, well below most states with similar populations.

Despite this promising trend, a new variant called “A.30”. Scientists are concerned After the incident was observed in Sweden, Angola and German British authorities said A.30 Pfizer And AstraZeneca vaccine.

“Overall, our observations suggest that A.30 has a clear advantage over other SARS-CoV-2 mutants. […] However, high antibody levels diminish this benefit, “said Markus Hoffmann, an infectious disease researcher and lead author of the A.30 study. Newsweek In the statement. “Therefore, achieving and maintaining high neutralizing antibody levels, for example by mixed match vaccination or additional booster shots, provides an excellent defense strategy against A.30 and other mutants with high ability to avoid antibodies. show.”




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