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The study found that the HPV vaccine reduced the incidence of cervical cancer in women by 87%.


By mid-2019, a study published Wednesday in the journal The Lancet found 450 fewer cases of cervical cancer and 17,200 fewer cases of precancerous cancer than expected in the vaccinated population. I’m estimating.

Researchers at King’s College London and the UK Government examined UK population-based cancer registration data from January 2006 to June 2019 for seven groups of women, with and without vaccination. I compared people.

They were looking at data covering a Cervarix vaccine that protects against two cancer-causing strains. Human papillomavirus or HPV.. The new vaccine, sold under the Gardasil brand, protects against more cancer-causing viruses.

Of the three vaccinated groups, each was vaccinated at a different age. One group was vaccinated between the ages of 12 and 13, another group was between the ages of 14 and 16, and another group was between the ages of 16 and 18. The team reported that those who were vaccinated at the earliest age were the most protected. Those who received injections between the ages of 14 and 16 showed a 62% decrease, and those who were vaccinated between the ages of 16 and 18 decreased by 24%.

“This study provides the first direct evidence of the impact of the UK HPV vaccination campaign on the incidence of cervical cancer, resulting in a significant reduction in the incidence of cervical cancer in vaccinated cohorts. “It shows,” said Dr. Kate Soldan of the UK Health and Security Agency, co-author of the study. ..

What is HPV?What you need to know about vaccines, symptoms, and cancer risk

“This represents an important step forward in cervical cancer prevention. The success of vaccination programs depends not only on the effectiveness of the vaccine, but also on the proportion of the vaccinated population, so these new results are widespread. I hope to promote. “

Because cervical cancer is rare among young women, it is still too early to determine the full effect of HPV immunity on the overall incidence of cervical cancer. The UK also stopped using the HPV vaccine in this study in 2012. The UK is currently using the Gardacil vaccine instead of the Cervarix vaccine.

Last year, the World Health Organization launched a global strategy to accelerate the eradication of cervical cancer. This is the world’s first effort to eradicate cancer and has set a goal of completely vaccination of 90% of girls with HPV by the age of 15.

In January, the US Department of Health and Human Services also launched a campaign to raise the HPV vaccination rate. The campaign is specifically targeted at the states with the lowest HPV vaccination rates, such as South Carolina, Texas, and Mississippi.

In 2021, the American Academy of Pediatrics found an increase in HPV vaccination coverage, but less than half of young adults in the United States received one or more vaccinations, and HPV vaccination coverage is still high. Vaccines that are not keeping up with the vaccination rate. The CDC began recommending the HPV vaccine to girls aged 11-12 in 2006. According to the 2021 CDC report, the incidence of cervical cancer in the United States has dropped significantly thanks to the HPV vaccine.

HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease virus in the United States. Although usually resolves spontaneously, persistent HPV infection increases the risk of cervical cancer, cancer in the back of the throat, and anogenital cancer in women. HPV also increases the risk of anal, penile, and throat cancer in men.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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