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Weekly news: New HTC smartphones may arrive, Google cuts more jobs, etc.

Weekly news: New HTC smartphones may arrive, Google cuts more jobs, etc.


AC News Weekly

(Image credit: Android Central)

News Weekly is a column that summarizes some of the week's top stories to help you catch up on the latest technology news.

This is Android Central's News Weekly, your go-to source for concise summaries of the week's most important tech stories. Here, we delve into the top headlines offering the latest developments and innovations contributing to the digital landscape.

This week, the tech world saw new layoffs at Google, HTC's comeback with new phones, Samsung beefing up its own devices, Qualcomm's second quarter showing signs of recovery, and improvements to Google Messages. Let's get started.

Google is cutting jobs again.

(Image source: Google)

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Hardly a week goes by without Google appearing in the headlines. Now, as part of new layoffs, Google has laid off 200 “core” employees in order to move faster and align with the company's goals.

These core teams were responsible for the technical foundations that underpin many of Google's security and online safety products and services. The company has also reportedly begun a “restructuring” that will move roles to India and Mexico.

Documents obtained by CNBC suggest employees knew about these cuts a week before they were announced, and Google said they would be in line with “broader goals.” Asim Hussain, Google's vice president of developer ecosystem, told staff at a town hall that “this was the largest planned reduction” for the team in 2024. These cuts are timely, after Google's first-quarter earnings report announced a whopping $80.5 billion in revenue with “strong performance” across its services.

Google confirmed these job cuts, with a spokesperson adding that those affected can reapply for other positions within the company.

HTC's new phone could receive major upgrades

(Image credit: HTC)

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You might think the name HTC has disappeared from the market, but it still exists in the smartphone industry. Although the company doesn't produce smartphones as often as other brands, new leaks indicate that the company's U24 Pro could bring a new entrant to the market.

According to Android Headlines, the Taiwanese company is gearing up to announce the HTC U24 Pro this month. There's no official word yet on the exact date, but the U23 Pro was launched last May, and that could be a reason to expect the same with this year's addition.

A few days ago, MySmartPrice spotted a device on Geekbench and speculated that it might belong to the HTC U24 series. The model number of the phone is 2QDA100, but that doesn't mean much.

In terms of design, the HTC U24 Pro is probably very similar to its predecessor. Having said that, it is likely to be powered by his Snapdragon 7 Gen 3, which is a faster processor. As for pricing, the U23 Pro will hit stores for $350, and the U24 Pro is likely to stay in that range as well. The device is expected to ship with Android 14 soon and come with either 128GB or 256GB of internal storage.

Samsung's Q1 report includes more news on wearables

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Samsung announced its earnings report for the first quarter of 2024, with consolidated sales of 71.92 trillion won and operating profit of 6.61 trillion won. The company said in its earnings conference that first-quarter profit increased 12.8% year-on-year.

Samsung feels that Galaxy AI is the driving force behind its phone sales, and says it “aims for year-on-year growth.” The company also hinted that it would expand its Galaxy portfolio by bringing Galaxy AI to “existing and new flagship” products such as foldables and tablets. The other side of the business is wearables, which Samsung has mentioned with the Galaxy Ring, which could boost revenue later this year.

Smartwatches will also play a role, with Samsung saying it will “meet the demand for upgrades through the launch of new premium models.” It's unclear exactly what Samsung means here, but there are rumors that the Galaxy Watch profile will be expanded, and there's also talk of the Galaxy Watch 7, 7 Classic, and 7 Ultra.

Qualcomm's second quarter profits are on the rise

(Image credit: Qualcomm)

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Earlier this week, Qualcomm announced its financial results for the second quarter of 2024. The company reported revenue of $9.39 billion for the quarter, an increase of 1% compared to the same quarter in 2023.

Qualcomm's headset business, which makes up the bulk of its overall revenue, also grew 1% in the quarter to $8.03 billion. While this may not seem like a huge step forward, it signals healthy growth in the smartphone industry, which was in a bit of a slump just a year ago. By comparison, recent numbers look positive, as Qualcomm's Q2 2023 earnings revealed that headsets and overall revenue were down 17% for him.

“We are excited about QCT Automotive's third consecutive quarter of record sales, the upcoming launch of the Snapdragon We are excited about the company's continued growth and diversification, including enabling cutting-edge on-device AI capabilities.” In a statement.

Qualcomm is focusing on AI with its current chipsets, and expects this to enable more use cases in a variety of devices, including phones, PCs, and cars. The company is highlighting an AI hub for developers to accelerate this adoption.

“I want to take a step back and say, in general, I think AI will benefit all devices,” Amon says. “I think as AI scales to run on-device, it opens up entirely new use cases, including privacy, security, cost of delay, and personalization, in addition to the benefits of working with the cloud.”

*Drum roll please* Audio emojis are here

(Image credit: Android Central)

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Google is rolling out a unique new feature to its Phone app that lets users express themselves with six new sounds.

As reported by Google News on Telegram, the company has started rolling out “voice emojis” in its phone app. Users can toggle this feature in the app settings. From there, Google describes the feature as one that helps users “express their emotions and moods with sounds like applause, laughter, sadness, trombone, and more.”

(Image credit: Google News / Telegram)

Once enabled, users can call friends and family to start experimenting with new sounds. On the phone app's call screen, there is an option to expand a row of audio emoji faces above the default toolbar.

However, this feature will first be available in the beta version of the app. According to DroidLife, the voice emoji was spotted on his Pixel 8 Pro running version 128.0.6 of the beta phone app.

These are some of this week's biggest news. In the meantime, here are some other stories worth paying attention to.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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