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When can I be with other people? CDC Updates Guidance for Coronavirus


It’s a sequel.
A person with a coronavirus infection sees their symptoms improve for more than 3 days in the absence of a fever and stays away from others until 10 days have passed since they first noticed the symptoms. .. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention mentioned in updated guidance; the CDC has updated guidance on whether it is safe to leave quarantine. We also updated consumer-friendly guidance on the use of public transport and ride share as the state relaxed restrictions on opening schools, businesses and homes. The CDC says they feel good, but they are infected because they need to keep the virus from spreading. “Depending on the advice of the health care provider and the availability of the test, we may be tested to see if we still have COVID-19. We have no fever, our symptoms improve, and we have at least 24 hours. You can be beside another person if you get two negative test results in succession at intervals, “the CDC says in a new guidance. People who test positive, but have no symptoms, can infect others, and the CDC says they have to wait 10 days after testing for positives and then mix with them again. .. According to the CDC, people infected with the coronavirus need to stay home for at least 14 days, the CDC said. When using public transport, boarding shares, and other transportation, it was consistent with other advice on infection control: be careful not to wash your hands. However, CDC also recommends opening windows when possible, especially to improve the air circulation inside the vehicle. Again, restrict access to frequently touched surfaces such as kiosks, digital interfaces such as touch screens and fingerprint scanners, ticket vending machines, turnstiles, handrails, toilet surfaces, and elevator bu. If you need to touch the surface, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or rub your hands with a disinfectant containing 60% alcohol as soon as possible. “If available, use touchless payments and no-touch trash cans and doors. If possible, exchange your cash or credit card in your receipt tray or counter instead of in your hand.” Social Target distance is also important for both cars and public transportation, “says CDC. Advise, “Peaks that seem to be few”. “Follow social distance guidelines by staying at least 6 feet (2 meters) away from people outside your household. For example: • Avoid crowds in groups and, where possible, crowded spaces, especially at transportation stations and stops. Stay away from: • If possible, consider skipping the row of seats between you and other riders • You can enter and leave the bus through the rear entrance door • Transportation Look for social distance instructions or physical guides provided by (for example, floor stickers or signs that stand or sit at least 6 feet away from others). Now, CDCs should wash their hands as often as possible and avoid bringing water bottles and other items into their cars, “Limit the number of passengers in a car to just the number you need.” “Avoid pooled rides or rides with multiple passengers not in the same household. Use buses so you can stay at least 6 feet away from drivers in the backseats of vans and large vehicles. And then open the window. “If possible, ask the driver to improve the ventilation of the vehicle. For example, open windows or set ventilation / air conditioning to non-recirculation mode.”
It’s a sequel.

A person with a coronavirus infection sees their symptoms improve for more than 3 days in the absence of a fever and stays away from others until 10 days have passed since they first noticed the symptoms. .. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention As mentioned in the updated guidance.

The CDC has updated its guidance on when it is safe to leave quarantine. We also updated consumer guidance on the use of public transportation and ride share as the state relaxed restrictions on opening schools, businesses and homes.

The CDC says that infected people need to keep the virus from spreading when they feel good.

“Depending on the advice of the health care provider and the availability of the test, we may be tested to see if we still have COVID-19. With the test, there is no fever, symptoms improve, and at least 24 Two hourly negative test results continued, “the CDC said in a new guidance.

Waiting to meet

Others who are positive but asymptomatic may still be able to infect others, and CDC needs to wait 10 days after testing for positives and then mix with them again.

“People with weakened immune systems may need to stay home for more than 10 days,” said the CDC.

Those infected with the coronavirus need to stay home for at least 14 days, the CDC says.

CDC Updated practical tips on using public transport, Ride share, and other modes of transport were consistent with other advice on infection control. Wash your hands and be careful what you touch.

However, CDC also recommends opening windows when possible, especially to improve the air circulation inside the vehicle.

Wash many times

“Try to avoid touching frequently touched surfaces such as kiosks, digital interfaces such as touch screens and fingerprint scanners, ticket machines, turnstiles, handrails, toilet surfaces, elevator buttons, and benches as much as possible.” I will advise you.

“If you need to touch these surfaces, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or rub your hands with a disinfectant containing 60% alcohol as soon as possible,” he adds.

“When available, use contactless payment and contactless trash and doors. Whenever possible, exchange cash and credit cards by placing them in your receipt tray or counter instead of in your hand. . “

According to the CDC, social distance is important for both cars and public transportation.

“If possible, consider traveling during off-peak hours when people are likely to be low,” he advises. “Follow the social distance guidelines by staying at least 6 feet (2 meters) away from people outside your household. For example:

• Avoid group gatherings and try to stay as close as possible to crowded spaces, especially at transportation stations and stops.

• If possible, consider skipping the row of seats between you and other riders.

• If possible, enter or leave the bus through the rear entrance door.

• Look for social distance instructions or physical guides provided by transportation (for example, floor stickers or signs that tell you to stand or sit at least 6 feet away from others).

For taxis and rideshares, CDC advises to touch as little space as possible, wash your hands frequently, and avoid bringing in water bottles and other items provided. “Limit the number of passengers in a car to only those who need it,” it adds.

“Avoid pooled vehicles or vehicles with multiple passengers not in the same household. Being seated in the backseat of a large vehicle such as a van or bus and staying at least 6 feet from the driver I can do it.”

Then open the window. “If possible, ask the driver to improve the ventilation of the vehicle. For example, open windows or set ventilation / air conditioning to non-recirculation mode.”


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