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Alberta reduces COVID-19 quarantine period for fully vaccinated people from 10 days to 5 days


Alberta Government on Friday, COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) However, as long as the symptoms are resolved, I have been vaccinated twice from the 10th to the 5th.

For the next 5 days, sick people will need to wear high quality masks around others outside the house.

If the symptoms last for more than 5 days, people should be quarantined until they subside.

Unvaccinated Albertan should remain quarantined for 10 days.

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The CDC currently recommends COVID-19 isolates for 10 to 5 days.

The change in quarantine period will take effect on January 3.

Health Minister Jason Copping said the adjustment was “made to limit the turmoil in Alberta’s workforce.”

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Dr. Dina Hinsho explained that this decision was based on evidence that fully immunized individuals shed the virus in a shorter period of time and “the shorter the quarantine period, the easier it is to comply.” Hinsho explained that the more people who comply with quarantine requirements, the better for overall public health.

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Alberta reduces COVID-19 quarantine period for vaccinated people to 5 days

Alberta reduces COVID-19 quarantine period for vaccinated people to 5 days

“People with symptoms need to be quarantined until the symptoms go away, such as vaccination or confirmation of COVID,” Hinsho said.

Copping said that for certain important services, it could give additional flexibility to the quarantine period for COVID-positive workers.

He said absenteeism could make discretionary exceptions to workers who cause “significant public health implications.” In such cases, additional health measures will be implemented, Copping said.

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COVID-19 quarantine periods have been reduced in some Canadian provinces

COVID-19 quarantine periods have been reduced in some Canadian provinces

Government officials said Alberta’s changes are in line with the latest guidelines from Ontario and other states, and the US CDC.

BC announced the same change in self-quarantine time on Friday.

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Alberta authorities hold COVID-19 Cabinet Committee as state adds 4,000 cases

No additional restrictions were announced on Friday, and no changes were made to the current indoor assembly rules or restriction exemption program.

“Many people want to get together with friends and family tonight and on weekends,” Hinsho said, and Albertin expects at least one COVID-positive person to attend. I added that it should be.

“COVID doesn’t mind missing outfits with family and friends,” she said, urging people to limit or postpone social events and direct contact.

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“Please reduce your social interaction,” Hinsho said. “When celebrating New Year’s Eve tonight, continue to play your part.”

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Top Alberta Doctors Encourage People to Rely on Rapid Testing for COVID-19 Diagnosis

Top Alberta Doctors Encourage People to Rely on Rapid Testing for COVID-19 Diagnosis

According to Copping, the government is seeking a quicker COVID-19 test.

He said the state is asking the federal government for 10 million kits a month, and Alberta has procured 1 million rapid test kits on its own, some of which arrived this week.

“We are focused on taking additional tests,” Copping said. “We are coming more. We are taking them out as soon as possible.”

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COVID-19: Alberta postpones direct kindergarten to high school return to school until January 10.

Alberta sets a record 4,000 new records COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Thursday’s case.

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The positive rate for Alberta on Thursday was about 30%.

There were 371 inpatients of COVID-19, including 48 treated in the ICU.

Hinsho said there were about 21,000 active COVID-19 cases “we know” in Alberta on Thursday.

“The total number of new and active cases in the state is higher than reported.”

However, she said the daily number of cases always provides only snapshots, trends, and geographic information.

She said the daily number of cases was not an exact number. They do not include Albertan, who does not want to be tested, has no access to the test, or is not tested because they have no symptoms.

According to Hinsho, tests in the state PCR lab found about 1 in 4 cases in the first wave and about 1 in 6 cases in the second wave. This rate has fallen even more recently due to the increase in rapid tests at home.

The serious consequences of COVID-19 are still being monitored through hospitalization and ICU rates, according to Hinsho.

The main purpose of the test is to identify those who need treatment or who live or work in areas at high risk of serious outcomes.

“The majority of cases do not need to be documented to build an effective monitoring system.”

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Hinsho explained that extensive testing early in the pandemic would be more appropriate as Alberta sought to curb the epidemic and minimize its impact.

Currently, she said that “identifying individual cases and managing cases” is not effective because of the access to vaccines and the highly contagious and rapidly spreading subspecies of Omicron.

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British Columbia has postponed the start of school for 12 students from most K’s until January 10th.

At a press conference Thursday evening, Education Minister Adriana Lagrange postponed her return to school from kindergarten to grade 12 to January 10 and time to assess the impact of the rapid spread of Omicron on the business. Announced to be given to the school and the school board.

She also said the state will provide school staff and students with millions of rapid tests and medical grade masks from January 10th.

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COVID-19: Quebec has reinstated the curfew and the number of incidents has skyrocketed, banning personal gatherings

On Thursday, Quebec reinstated the controversial curfew from 10 pm (New Year’s Eve) Friday to 5 am the following day.

Also, from Friday, private gatherings at Quebec’s homes will be banned. Only those who live alone or need a caregiver can participate in another family bubble.

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On Wednesday, British Columbia postponed the start of most students’ grades. Children with special needs and health care workers will return on January 3 or 4 as scheduled, while other children will return on January 10 a week later than originally planned. To do.

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