Pandemics have brought about a “dramatic” reduction in UK hospitalizations for pediatric infectious diseases | Infectious diseases
Hospitalization for pediatric infectious diseases, which is common in the UK, decreased by 94% in the first year. COVID-19 According to the first major study of that kind, a pandemic.
Doctors have previously reported cases where Covid measures, such as blockades, have helped children better protect themselves from other illnesses.
A large study by the University of Oxford now reveals a “dramatic” reduction in hospitalizations for all infectious diseases except Covid in the 12 months following March 2020.
Researchers have found that hospitalizations for common and severe pediatric infections have been reduced “substantially and persistently.” This is probably due to social distance measurements, school and workplace closures, and travel restrictions. Other measures such as enhanced cleaning, better hand hygiene, and the use of face masks may have contributed to the reduction.
Overall, tens of thousands of children have been hospitalized for symptoms such as bronchiolitis, meningitis, influenza, tonsillitis, and pneumonia due to the blockade of England, the closure of schools, and the significant reduction in children’s social contact. became.The survey results have been published at BMJ..
Studies have shown that some children with pre-existing conditions, such as asthma, are “protected from severe and potentially life-threatening infections.” Prior to the pandemic, the exacerbation of asthma caused by acute respiratory infections was one of the most common reasons for hospitalization of children.
Researchers admitted that many of the measures seen in Covid’s first year in Britain were unsustainable outside the pandemic. Such measures are also having a significant impact on other health areas such as mental health. However, researchers say that the significant reduction in hospitalizations requires further evaluation of ongoing interventions to minimize the burden on the health care system and protect vulnerable children, especially during the winter months. He said it meant something.
It has long been known that children’s immunization programs have been disrupted worldwide since the outbreak of the pandemic due to barriers to access or administration of vaccines. Data from laboratory surveillance studies have shown a global reduction in some pediatric infections.
A new study found that 12 months after the onset of a pandemic, hospitalization rates for “widespread severe, respiratory, and vaccine-preventable pediatric infections” were significantly and persistently reduced in the United Kingdom. Absolute deaths within 60 days of admission for sepsis, meningitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, viral wheezing, and upper respiratory tract infections have also decreased.
Researchers investigated hospitalization of children up to the age of 14 for common and severe pediatric infections in the United Kingdom between March 2017 and the end of June 2021.
They looked up information on hospitalization for common respiratory infections such as tonsillitis, influenza and bronchiolitis, and severe invasive infections such as bone infections called osteomyelitis, septicemia, meningitis, and osteomyelitis. .. The team also examined hospitalization data for vaccine-preventable illnesses, including measles, mumps, and some bacterial causes of serious illness.
Researchers found that all but one of the 19 conditions studied (kidney infections) showed a “substantial and persistent” reduction in hospitalization.
The largest decrease in hospitalizations was due to influenza, a 94% decrease from an average of 5,379 pre-pandemic annually to 304 in 2020/21. Hospitalization for bronchiolitis decreased by more than 80% from an average of 51,655 in 2020/21 to 9,423. Hospitalizations for tonsillitis decreased by 66% from more than 54,000 before the pandemic to just over 18,000 each year. Hospitalizations for meningitis decreased by almost 50% from an average of 3,917 before the pandemic to 1,964 in 2020/21.
“This study dramatically reduces overall hospitalization for respiratory, severely invasive, and vaccine-preventable infections in children during the Covid-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom. The researchers wrote in BMJ. “Children with potentially life-threatening comorbidity were also virtually protected.
“A further assessment of non-pharmacological interventions that may persist beyond the pandemic is about potential strategies for minimizing the burden on the healthcare system and protecting vulnerable children, especially in winter. It is necessary to inform policy makers. As social restrictions develop, hospitalizations for these infectious diseases need to be continuously monitored. “
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