What does it mean that COVID-19 is endemic?

How the new coronavirus strain interacts with the existing COVID-19 vaccine
The Biden administration has promised to significantly increase the supply of coronavirus vaccines as several new coronavirus variants are endemic here in the United States. Alex Savidge of KTVU talks with Dr. Vanila Singh, a former chief medical officer at the Faculty of Health and Welfare and a professor at Stanford University, about how these new strains interact with the vaccine.
Some countries have tentative plans for when to start treatment COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) that’s why “Endemic”However, the World Health Organization and other officials have warned that the world is not near anywhere. Declare a pandemic.. See what endemic means and its implications for the future.
What does it mean that the disease is endemic, as opposed to a pandemic?
Diseases become endemic when they occur regularly in a particular area according to an established pattern, while a pandemic is a global outbreak that causes an unpredictable wave of disease.
According to Catherine Smallwood, an infectious disease expert at the agency’s European headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, the World Health Organization says redefining the coronavirus as endemic is still a “road”. “We still have Huge amount of uncertainty And a rapidly evolving virus, “she said earlier this month.
For many countries, designating an illness as endemic means that it is no longer considered a public health emergency and therefore less resources are available to combat it.
Lessons learned two years after the first reported COVID-19 case in the United States
Dr. Jeanne Noble of the University of California, San Francisco spoke to Mornings at 2 The Nine on Friday, two years after the CDC reported the first case of COVID-19 in the United States.
Who decides if COVID-19 is endemic?
Most wealthy countries will probably make their own decisions, depending on how the virus circulates within the border and the potential for new cases to cause outbreaks. Widely available COVID-19 vaccines, medicines, and other measures in developed countries may help control the outbreak of viruses long before they are globally controlled.
WHO has not technically declared a pandemic. Its highest alert level is the global health emergency, and COVID-19 has guaranteed that distinction since January 2020. The United Nations Health Organization has convened an expert committee every three months since then to reassess the situation.
The pandemic may end when WHO experts declare that COVID-19 is no longer eligible for a global emergency, but the criteria for that decision are not precisely defined.
“It’s not just the number of cases, so it’s a somewhat subjective decision. It’s about severity and impact,” said Dr. Michael Ryan, WHO’s Head of Emergency.
Others say that designating COVID-19 as endemic is probably a political issue, not a scientific one, and shows how much illness and death the national authorities and their citizens tolerate. increase.
Does endemic mean that the problem is over?
no. Many serious illnesses, including tuberculosis and HIV, are considered endemic in parts of the world and continue to kill hundreds of thousands of people each year. For example, malaria is considered endemic in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa and is estimated to cause more than 200 million cases each year, including about 600,000 deaths.
“Endemic itself does not mean good,” Ryan said. “Endemic means that it is here forever.”
Health officials have warned that the virus will continue to be fatal to some, even after COVID-19 has become an established respiratory virus such as seasonal flu.
Even after the pandemic is over, “COVID is with us,” said Dr. Chris Woods, an infectious disease expert at Duke University. “The difference is that people do not die indiscriminately because of it. It is so routine that vaccines, treatments and diagnostics are better and more equitable for everyone. Will be. “
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