Do they work for weight loss?
Soup diets are usually short-term meal plans designed to help individuals lose weight quickly.
Instead of one official soup diet, there are several soup-based diets. Some include only eating soup for the duration of the meal, while others also include a limited list of acceptable foods.
Most of these diets are only meant to last 5-10 days, as the idea is to lose weight quickly.
This article discusses different types of soup diets, the pros and cons of these diets, and whether the soup diets can help you lose weight.
There are different types of soup diets, and some of the most popular are: Note that there are currently no studies on the effectiveness of these particular diets.
Broth-based soup diet
Broth base Soup diet usually lasts 7 days. However, some may last 10 to 14 days. During that period, proponents of broth-based diets claim that they can lose up to 10 pounds or 20 pounds (4.5-9 kg).
In a broth-based soup diet, cream-based soups are high in calories and fat, which limits them. Instead, it is advisable to consume homemade or canned soup-based soups containing vegetables and protein.
Some programs recommend only taking soup-based soups, while other programs allow small amounts of low-calorie options such as lean protein, starchy vegetables, and non-fat dairy products. There are cases.
Bean juice diet
One of the more popular bean soup diets is by Dr. Michael Greger, MD, author of “Don’t Let Go: Discover Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease” Thing.
of diet It is recommended to eat Dr. Greger’s champion vegetable bean soup up to twice a day. In addition to soup, you can consume oil-free vegetable foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Although there are no calorie restrictions, the diet recommends restricting intake of high-calorie foods such as dried fruits and nuts for optimal weight loss results.
Unlike other soup diets, Greger lasts a lifetime Plant-based diet..
Proponents of this diet claim that they can lose 9 to 16 pounds (4 to 7 kg) in the first week.
Currently, there are no studies on the diet of Greger’s bean soup. However, plant-based diets are said to help with weight loss and heart health (
Cabbage soup diet
One of the most popular soup diets Cabbage soup diet Is a 7-day diet plan that includes eating chicken or vegetable soup-based soup with cabbage and other low-carb vegetables.
In addition to cabbage soup, you can also prepare one or two low-calorie foods such as skim milk and leafy vegetables.
Strict adherence to a diet plan claims that a diet can lose up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in 7 days.
Chicken soup diet
The Chicken Soup Diet is a 7-day weight loss diet that includes eating chicken soup for all meals except breakfast.
You can choose from five low-calorie options for your morning meal, including nonfat milk and yogurt, nonfat cheese, whole grains and bread, and fresh fruit.
For the rest of the day, it is recommended that the diet frequently consume small amounts of homemade chicken soup throughout the day. By eating small amounts of frequent soups, the diet claims that it helps reduce cravings and promotes fullness.
Soup is low in calories and carbs and is cooked in soup chickenThere are a lot of non-starch vegetables such as garlic and onions, and carrots, turnips, broccoli and collard greens.
Keto soup diet
Ketogenic, old, Overall 30, Or another low-carb diet, the Keto Soup Diet, claims it can help individuals lose up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in just 5 days.
As general Keto dietSoup version is a low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein diet plan. The program provides 1,200 to 1,400 calories per day, limits carbohydrates to 20 grams per day and limits nuts, dairy and artificial sweeteners.
We recommend eating the same breakfast every day, consisting of eggs, butter, bacon, avocado, and sugar-free bulletproof coffee. One low-carb, high-fat snack, such as celery with a keto-friendly tuna salad, is also allowed.
For the rest of the day, eat 4 cups of keto soup for lunch and dinner. The soup recipe contains ingredients such as chicken, bacon, olive oil, chicken stalks, sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms and other low-carb vegetables and herbs.
Sacred Heart Soup Diet
Like the cabbage soup diet, the Sacred Heart Soup Diet is a 7-day meal plan, consisting almost entirely of soup-based soups. Non-starch vegetables..
Other low-calorie foods are allowed, but the diet is very specific about what foods you can include daily.
When followed closely, the Sacred Heart Soup Diet claims to help you lose 10-17 pounds (4.5-8 kg) in a week.
There are several types of soup. Some things, like the cabbage soup diet, have limited eating habits, while others, like the bean soup diet, are more flexible.
Observational studies show that people who regularly eat soup tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) and are less likely to become obese than those who never eat soup (
It is unknown why soups are associated with low weight. Some studies suggest that soups may help boost bloating. Therefore, eating soup regularly can reduce the number of calories you eat per day (
It is also important to consider other factors that may explain this relationship, such as cultural or genetic differences between those who regularly eat soup and those who do not ().
Overall, more rigorous and long-term studies are needed to identify potential Weight loss The benefits of eating soup.
Another thing to note is that the consumption of soup has not been shown to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.
For a particular soup diet, there is currently no scientific evidence of its effect on weight loss.
However, most soup diets result in a significant reduction in calories, so following them will probably help you lose weight (
Also, the fewer calories you eat on a soup diet, you generally lose weight.
As with other low-calorie diets, keep in mind that most of the weight lost over 5-10 days is due to water, not to fat loss (
In addition, the diet is typically less than a week, so Regain weight Unless you can move to a more sustainable weight loss plan,
The bean soup diet recommends a transition to a plant-based dietary pattern, so it may be more successful in the long run than others.
Regular soups are associated with weight loss. However, there is insufficient research on the benefits of soup diets for weight loss. Still, these dietary plans have low calories, which can lead to weight loss in the short term.
Soup diets not only help you lose weight quickly, but may also bring additional benefits such as:
- Increased vegetable intake. Vegetables provide essential vitamins and beneficial botanical compounds. Furthermore, increased intake is associated with weight gain and a reduced risk of obesity (
13 ,14 ). - Increased fiber intake. These meals are often eaten because they are often high in vegetables and sometimes contain beans, whole grains, or fruits. A decent amount of fiber, May help reduce appetite (
15 ). - Increased fluid intake. These diets can improve fluid intake throughout the day. In addition to supporting many essential functions in the body, research suggests that increased fluid intake may help with weight loss efforts (
16 ,17 ). - Easy to follow. Like other fad diets, soup diets generally have strict guidelines that make it easy to follow.
- We encourage a plant-based diet. Some, like the bean soup diet, can help you transition to a plant-based diet pattern. A plant-based diet is associated with reducing the risk of obesity and supporting weight loss (
18 ).
However, vegetables, fiber, Water inlet No significant benefits to long-term weight and health are considered unless following a diet helps bring about a lasting change in lifestyle.
Soup diets are generally straightforward and can help increase your intake of water, fiber and vegetables. These changes can be beneficial, but you must maintain these increases for long-term benefits.
With the exception of Greger’s bean soup diet, one of the biggest drawbacks to soup diets is that most of them are not intended to last more than 5-10 days.
Therefore, you may be able to regain your weight loss during your diet unless you transition to a more sustainable diet.
In addition, the study Significantly limit calorie intake If you lose sustainable weight quickly, your metabolic rate will decrease. This means your body begins to burn less calories a day than it did before (
As a result, if you lose your metabolism after you finish your diet, it can be difficult to maintain weight loss.
In addition, soup diets such as the cabbage soup diet and the Sacred Heart diet are very limited in the types and amounts of foods they are allowed to eat, which can lead to malnutrition.
Eating a restricted diet for only 5-10 days is unlikely to cause a serious nutrient deficiency, especially if you are taking multivitamins, but if you significantly reduce your caloric intake, you will feel dizzy and weak. It may cause side effects such as feeling and fatigue (
Most soup diets are not sustainable weight loss solutions as they are designed to last 5-10 days. In addition, intense and rapid loss of calories and weight slows down metabolism and makes weight loss more difficult to maintain.
The soup diet is gaining popularity because it helps to lose a significant amount of weight in just 5-10 days.
However, most of the weight lost with these diets is mainly Water loss Rather than fat.
In addition, these diets are designed to be taken only for a short period of time, which may restore the weight you could have lost.
Instead, eating soup can reduce your appetite and reduce your daily calorie intake, so for long-term success, it’s better to simply incorporate the soup into a balanced, low-restricted weight-loss diet plan. Would be good
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