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A healthy Mediterranean diet helps young men overcome depression

A healthy Mediterranean diet helps young men overcome depression


Depression is a common mental health condition that affects about 1 million Australians each year. It is a significant risk factor for suicide and is the leading cause of death in young adults.

A 12-week randomized controlled trial conducted by researchers at the University of Technology Sydney was recently published peer-reviewed. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition..

Jessica Bayes, a principal investigator candidate for the UTS Department of Health, said the study was the first randomized clinical trial to assess the effects of a Mediterranean diet on the symptoms of depression in young men (ages 18-25). Said it was an exam.

I was surprised at the young man’s willingness to eat a new meal. Under the guidance of a dietitian, people assigned to a Mediterranean diet were able to make significant changes to their original diet in a short period of time. “

Jessica Bayes, PhD Candidate, UTS Faculty of Health

“Physicians and psychologists suggest that young men with depression should be considered for referral to nutritionists and nutritionists as an important element of the treatment of clinical depression,” she said. ..

This research contributes to a new field of nutrition PsychiatryThe purpose is to investigate the effects of specific nutrients, foods and dietary patterns on mental health. The diet used in the study was rich in colorful vegetables, legumes, whole grains, oily fish, olive oil, and raw unsalted nuts.

“The main focus was to improve the quality of our diet with fresh whole food, while reducing our intake of’fast food’, sugar and processed lean meats,” says Bayes.

“There are many reasons to scientifically think that food affects mood. For example, about 90% of serotonin, a chemical that helps us feel happy, is made in the gut by gut microbiota. These microorganisms communicate with the brain via stray nerves, called the intestinal brain axis.

“To get beneficial microbes, you need to feed the fiber found in legumes, fruits and vegetables,” she said.

Approximately 30% of people with depression do not respond appropriately to standard treatments for major depressive disorders such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and antidepressants.

“Almost all participants remained in the program, and many were enthusiastic about continuing their diet after the study was completed, which was how effective and tolerable they found the intervention. It shows if it’s worth it. “


Journal reference:

“AMMEND” study): Randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition..




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