How to check your skin and protect yourself

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, with an estimated 5 million cases diagnosed each year in the United States. Also, skin cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable cancers when it comes to actively protecting itself.
Even the most dangerous type of melanoma is highly treatable early on, so it is important to identify skin cancer as soon as possible. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, melanoma has an estimated 5-year survival rate of 99% if detected before it spreads to other parts of the body.
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. This is a national campaign to educate the general public about the prevention and detection of skin cancer. Besides wearing sunscreen to avoid sunburn, it’s also a good idea to check your skin for anything that looks abnormal and consult a dermatologist if the size, shape, or color changes over time. , Said Dr. Susan Chong, MD Anderson’s dermatologist at the Cancer Center.
Melanoma Survivor: That’s why it’s important to protect yourself from skin cancer
“It’s very important that the patient doesn’t worry about seeing something and acts positively,” she said. “That’s probably just one word of my advice. Just go see a dermatologist.”
Chon and Dr. Ida Orengo, professors and directors of dermatology at Baylor College of Medicine, spoke to Chronicle and provided tips on how to identify skin cancer and protect themselves.
What are the most common types of skin cancer?
There are three main types of skin cancer, which can be divided into two groups, Chung said.
The first, melanoma, is the most dangerous type, but it accounts for only 1% of all skin cancer cases, according to the American Cancer Society. Melanoma is especially dangerous because it can grow rapidly and spread to other organs. ACS estimates that nearly 100,000 new melanomas will be diagnosed in the United States in 2022, killing more than 7,600 people.
Other groups are nonmelanoma skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, these are much more common, with an estimated 3.6 million basal cell carcinomas and 1.8 million squamous cell carcinomas diagnosed each year in the United States. Although they are highly treatable, squamous cell carcinomas are more likely to be fatal if left untreated for extended periods of time.
How can I tell if there is a possibility of skin cancer?
The most obvious warning signs are anomalies that cannot be explained as something like an injury or insect bite. It’s time to see a dermatologist if the abnormal size or shape changes, itching, or white halos around it, Orengo said.
“If it’s unexplained and it’s still there after three weeks, tell the patient that someone needs to see it,” Orengo said.
Skin cancer is generally asymptomatic, according to Orengo, but itching is associated with it.
Melanoma often looks like a mole, but generally ABCDE rule.. The acronym checks if the mole is asymmetric, has irregular or jagged borders, has a non-uniform color, has a diameter that changes in size, and evolves over time. Instruct people to do so.
What are the risk factors for skin cancer?
Skin tone plays a major role in the risk of skin cancer, with thinner skin being at higher risk. This is because melanin, the main pigment that causes skin tones, also protects against the sun’s UV rays. The more melanin you have, the darker your skin will be and the better your UV protection.
However, anyone can develop skin cancer, regardless of skin color. In fact, melanoma often occurs in areas that are barely exposed to sunlight, such as the palms, soles, and nail beds.
Other risk factors include a family history of skin cancer and occupations that essentially lead to spending more time in the sun. For example, farmers and construction workers spend more time outdoors than those who work in the office.
How can I protect myself?
According to Orengo, the easiest way to protect yourself from skin cancer is to avoid spending a lot of time in the sun. She recommended doing outdoor activities such as gardening and gardening before 10 am or after 4 pm to avoid sunburn.
It’s also important to remember that exposure to the sun is cumulative, Chung said. It’s important to wear sunscreen when you go to the beach, but it’s also important if you run for 20 minutes every day.
“All of this is a kind of sum,” Chung said. “It’s a cumulative of all kinds.”
If you need to stay in the sun for an extended period of time, wear a wide spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply every 2 hours. Long-sleeved shirts and pants, brim hats and sunglasses also protect you from the sun.
Studies show Certain foods and drinks can also help protect you.. Polyphenols in green tea and omega-3 fatty acids in fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna have been shown to help prevent skin cancer.
When and How Should I Check for Skin Cancer?
Skin cancer can develop at any age. Orengo has a 4-year-old patient with melanoma and a 12-year-old basal cell carcinoma, so it is recommended that a pediatrician examine the child’s skin during routine examinations.
Anyone with a family history of skin cancer is at high risk and should see a dermatologist in their twenties, Orengo said.
Besides having a dermatologist check her skin, Chung said it’s a good idea to check herself every few months.
“We really ask patients to participate in skin care. They are always looking at it and we are looking at it very intermittently,” Chung said.
How is skin cancer treated?
The good news is that if skin cancer is identified early, it can be very curable. The majority of deaths are due to melanoma, but if the melanoma is identified before it has spread to the lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is 99%.
There are creams that can be used to treat the early stages of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, but treatment usually consists of removing the damaged skin. However, if the cancer has spread, the patient may need radiation therapy.
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