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According to a new study, the lowest risk of death was among adults who exercised 150-600 minutes a week-ScienceDaily

According to a new study, the lowest risk of death was among adults who exercised 150-600 minutes a week-ScienceDaily


A new study published analyzed more than 100,000 participants over a 30-year follow-up period and performed two to four times the weekly amount of moderate or intense physical activity currently recommended. Adults who do have been found to have a significantly reduced risk of death.Today, in a peer-reviewed journal that is the flagship of the American Heart Association circulation.. Weekly reductions were 21-23% in those who performed 2-4 times the recommended amount of intense physical activity and 26-31% in those who performed 2-4 times the recommended amount of moderate physical activity.

It is well documented that regular physical activity is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death. In 2018, the U.S. Department of Health and Welfare’s Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans stated that adults should have at least 150-300 minutes / week of moderate physical activity or 75-150 minutes / week of intense physical activity, or equivalent. A combination of both strengths recommended to engage in stuff. The current recommendations of the American Heart Association, based on the HHS Physical Activity Guidelines, are to combine moderate-intensity aerobic exercise with at least 150 minutes per week, 75 minutes per week, and / or intense aerobic exercise. Thing.

“While physical activity has great potential health effects, engaging in high levels of long-term, active, or moderate intensity physical activity above recommended levels has additional benefits to cardiovascular health or It is unclear if it will have any detrimental effects, “Don Hung Lee said. , Sc.D., MS, Researcher at the Faculty of Nutrition, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Boston. “Our study used repeated self-reported physical activity measurements over decades to investigate the association between long-term physical activity in mid- and late adulthood and mortality.”

Researchers found that more than 100,000 adult deaths were collected from two large prospective studies from 1988 to 2018, the Health Survey of All Female Nurses and the Follow-up Survey of All Male Healthcare Professionals. We analyzed rate data and medical records. The participants who examined the data were 63% female and over 96% white adults. Their average age was 66 years and their average body mass index (BMI) was 26 kg / m.2 Over a 30-year follow-up period.

Participants self-reported their leisure physical activity by completing a validated questionnaire about either the Nurses’ Health Study or the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study every two years. Published biennially updated and expanded questionnaires include health information, doctor-diagnosed illnesses, family medical history, personal habits such as tobacco and alcohol consumption, and exercise frequency questions. It was. Exercise data was reported as the average time spent per week on various physical activities over the past year. Moderate activity was defined as walking, low intensity exercise, weightlifting, and gymnastics. Active activities included jogging, running, swimming, cycling and other aerobic exercises.

The analysis found that adults who doubled the currently recommended range of moderate or intense physical activity each week had the lowest risk of long-term mortality.

The analysis also revealed that:

  • Participants who meet the guidelines for active physical activity have a 31% lower risk of death from CVD, a 15% lower risk of death from non-CVD, and an overall 19% lower risk of death from all causes. ..
  • Participants who meet the guidelines for moderate physical activity have a 22-25% lower risk of death from CVD, a 19-20% lower risk of death from non-CVD, and an overall 20% risk of death from all causes. ~ 21% lower.
  • Participants who exceeded the recommended amount of long-term intense physical activity (150-300 minutes / week) by 2-4 times had an overall 21% lower risk of CVD mortality and 19% lower risk of non-CVD mortality (27-33% lower). Was observed. -The risk of death from all causes is reduced by 23%.
  • Participants who exceeded the recommended amount of moderate physical activity (300-600 minutes / week) by 2-4 times were at overall risk of 26-27% CVD mortality and 25-27% non-CVD mortality. It was observed. The risk of death from all causes is reduced by 31%.

In addition, no adverse cardiovascular health effects were seen among adults who reported engaging at more than four times the recommended minimum activity level. Previous studies have shown that long-term, high-intensity endurance exercises such as marathons, triathlons, and long-distance bicycle races increase the risk of adverse cardiovascular events such as myocardial fibrosis, coronary artery calcification, atrial fibrillation, and sudden death. We have found evidence that it is possible. Sudden cardiac death.

“This finding may reduce concerns about the potential adverse effects of engaging in high levels of physical activity observed in several previous studies,” Lee said.

However, engage in long-term, high-intensity physical activity (? 300 minutes / week) or moderate-intensity physical activity (? 600 minutes / week) at a level that is more than four times the recommended weekly minimum. However, there was no additional reduction in risk. death.

“Our research provides evidence that guides individuals to choose the right amount and intensity of physical activity throughout their lives to maintain overall health,” Lee said. “Our findings support current national physical activity guidelines, and in addition, the greatest benefit is achieved by performing one of the medium to high levels of moderate or active activity, or a combination thereof. It suggests that it can be achieved. “

He also said that people who perform less than 75 minutes of intense activity or less than 150 minutes of moderate activity per week consistently perform about 75-150 minutes of intense activity or 150-300 minutes of moderate exercise. In the long run, per week, or an equivalent combination of both, said that it can have significant benefits in reducing mortality.

“We have long known that moderate to intense levels of physical activity can reduce the risk of both atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and death,” said MSPH, Ph, a former president of BSN. .D., Donna K. Arnett said. She is the Dean and Professor of the American Heart Association (2012-2013) and the Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. Arnett co-chaired the Writing Committee of the American Heart Association’s 2019 Guidelines for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, but she was not involved in the study. “Also, moderate intensity aerobic exercise for 300 minutes or more per week or intense aerobic exercise for 150 minutes or more may further reduce the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. We also know that these extra exercise hours can also reduce mortality. “

Co-authors are LeandroFM Rezende, Sc.D. Hee-Kyung Joh, MD, Ph.D.; NaNa Keum, Sc.D.; Dr. Garson Ferrari; Juan Pablo Rey-Lopez, Ph.D.; Eric B. Lim, Sc.D.; Fred K. Tabun Dr .; Edward L. Giovanniucci, MD The author’s disclosure is contained in the manuscript.

This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health.




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