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E-bikes are not as beneficial to health as cycling

E-bikes are not as beneficial to health as cycling


A new study finds that people riding electric e-bikes (e-bikes) tend to have less physically demanding journeys than those riding traditional bicycles.

But experts at Germany’s Hannover Medical University say the bike will encourage people who might otherwise not ride a bike to give it a try and reap the health benefits along the way. .

E-bikes are similar to regular bicycles, but the motor is activated when the rider steps on the pedals.

People can usually set the level of assistance they want the bike to have and turn off the electric function completely.

The study, published in the journal BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, compared 629 traditional cyclists with 1,250 e-bike users.

Researchers investigated whether they met the World Health Organization (WHO) exercise goal of 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per week.

Participants were equipped with an activity tracker to assess time, distance, and heart rate during 4 consecutive weeks of cycling.

Compared to traditional cyclists, the e-bike group tended to be older, heavier and had health problems.

As a result, the percentage of people achieving MVPA of 150 minutes per week was higher among conventional bike users (35%) than among e-bike users (22%), and e-bike riders were more likely to meet their exercise goals. was found to be about half as likely to achieve .

Time spent in the MVPA period during cycling per week was shorter in the e-bike group, typically 70 minutes per week.

The study also found that people riding traditional bikes tended to take more bike trips (6 on average) than those using e-bikes (4 on average). rice field.

Overall time spent on the bike was also about 25 minutes longer on average among traditional cyclists, while e-bikers traveled an average of 6 minutes 30 seconds longer, longer distances.

Average heart rates for conventional cyclists were also higher, suggesting a higher level of exercise. 119 bpm against his 111 bpm on the e-biker.

Researchers conclude:

“Thus, the expected health impact could be higher for cyclists, and this is an important factor for policymakers in the debate about subsidizing e-bikes at the state level.

“However, the growing appeal and popularity of e-bikes has been limited by age- and disease-related constraints, and their potential to promote recreational cycling and active commuting, especially for people who would otherwise not choose to use a bicycle. There is a possibility

The study also showed that e-bike cyclists were 63% more likely to be in a road accident than traditional cyclists.

According to research, about 3.4 million e-bikes were sold in the EU in 2019, compared to just 98,000 in 2006.

That number is expected to rise to 62m by 2030.




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