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WHO publishes first list of health-threatening fungi

WHO publishes first list of health-threatening fungi


WHO today published a report highlighting the first-ever list of fungal “priority pathogens”. This is a catalog of 19 fungi that represent the greatest threat to public health. The WHO Fungal Priority Pathogen List (FPPL) is the first global publication to systematically prioritize fungal pathogens in light of unmet research and development (R&D) needs and perceived public health importance. It’s an initiative. The WHO FPPL aims to focus and drive further research and policy interventions to strengthen the global response to fungal infections and antifungal resistance.

With only four classes of antifungal drugs currently available and few candidates in the clinical pipeline, fungal pathogens are becoming increasingly common and treatment-resistant, making them a major threat to public health. It’s a big threat. Most fungal pathogens lack rapid and sensitive diagnostics, and the pathogens present are neither widely available nor globally affordable.

These invasive forms of fungal infections often affect critically ill patients and those with significant underlying immune system-related conditions. Populations most at risk for invasive fungal infections include those following cancer, HIV/AIDS, organ transplantation, chronic respiratory disease, and primary tuberculosis infection.

Emerging evidence indicates that both the incidence and geographic extent of fungal diseases are expanding worldwide due to global warming and increased international travel and trade. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the reported incidence of invasive fungal infections increased significantly among hospitalized patients. As the fungi that cause common infections (such as Candida oral candidiasis and vaginal candidiasis) become increasingly resistant to treatment, so does the risk of developing more invasive forms of infection in the general population. .

Emerging from the shadows of a bacterial antimicrobial resistance pandemic, fungal infections are spreading, becoming increasingly resistant to treatment, and becoming a public health concern worldwide. ” Dr Hanan Barkey, WHO Assistant Director for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), said:

Despite growing concern, fungal infections have received little attention and few resources, resulting in a lack of high-quality data on the distribution of fungal disease and antifungal resistance patterns. As a result, the exact burden of fungal disease and antifungal resistance is unknown, thus compromising response.

3 priority categories

The WHO FPPL list is divided into three categories: critical, high and medium priority.fungal pathogen of by priority Categories are ranked primarily for public health impact and/or emerging antifungal resistance risk. While recognizing that these important pathogens are a global public health concern, WHO stresses the need to carefully interpret and contextualize her FPPL.

The Need for More Evidence and Priority Areas for Action

The authors of this report highlight the need for more evidence to inform the response to this growing threat and to better understand the burden of both disease and antifungal resistance. The report also highlights the urgent need for concerted action to address the impact of antifungal drug use on resistance across the One Health spectrum, and to expand equitable access to quality diagnosis and treatment. I am looking for

“More data and evidence on fungal infections and antifungal resistance are needed to inform and improve responses to these high-priority fungal pathogens.” Dr. Haileeyesus Getahun, WHO Director of Global Coordination of AMR, said:

The FPPL report highlights strategies for policymakers, public health professionals, and other stakeholders. The strategies proposed in the report are collectively aimed at generating evidence and improving the response of these fungi to the priority pathogens, including preventing the development of antifungal resistance. The main recommended actions are (1) to strengthen laboratory capacity and oversight, and (2) to sustain investments in research, development and innovation. (3) strengthen public health interventions for prevention and control;

“Countries are encouraged to follow a phased approach, first by strengthening fungal disease laboratory and surveillance capacities to ensure equitable access to existing high-quality therapeutics and diagnostics globally. start with.” Added Dr. Haileyesus Getahun.

Antifungal resistance is caused in part by inappropriate antifungal use across the One Health spectrum. For example, the unwarranted use of antifungals in agriculture has been associated with rising rates of azole-resistant bacteria. Aspergillus fumigatus Infection. The report also calls for greater collaboration between WHO and his quadripartite organization and other partners to address the impact of antifungal use on resistance across the One Health spectrum. .

WHO Fungal Priority Pathogen List to guide research, development and public health action reports




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