Cell “membrane-on-a-chip” may speed up screening for Covid-19 drugs
New York- The new human cell “membrane-on-chip” allows continuous monitoring of how drugs and infectious agents interact with cells. This is an advance that can be used to test potential drug candidates for COVID-19, scientists said Monday.
According to researchers at Cambridge University, Cornell University in the UK, and Stanford University in the United States, the device can imitate any type of cell, such as the tough cell walls of bacteria, humans, or plants.
According to the results published in two papers, the journal Langmuir and ACS Nano, the device is formed on a chip while maintaining the orientation and function of the cell membrane.
Researchers say it has been used to monitor the activity of ion channels, a protein class in human cells that target more than 60% of approved drugs.
The cell membrane plays a central role in biological signal transduction, controlling everything from pain relief to viral infection, and acts as a gatekeeper between the cell and the outside world.
The team set out to create a sensor that maintains all important aspects of the cell membrane (structure, fluidity, and control of ionic movement) without the time-consuming steps required to maintain cell viability. ..
The device uses an electronic chip to measure changes in the upper membrane extracted from cells, allowing scientists to safely and easily understand how cells interact with the outside world. Integrates cell membranes with conducting polymer electrodes and transistors.
To produce on-chip membranes, the team first optimized the process of producing membranes from living cells, then coaxialized them into polymer electrodes in a way that maintained all functionality.
The hydrated conductive polymer provides a more natural environment for cell membranes, allowing robust monitoring of membrane function.
The team optimized a polymer electrode to monitor changes in the membrane. This device is technically difficult to stay alive, relies on live cells that require considerable attention, and measurements can be continued for long periods of time.
“Because the membrane is made from human cells, it’s like having a biopsy of the surface of that cell-it has all the materials present, including proteins and lipids, but uses live cells There are no challenges,” said Susan Daniel, a professor at Cornell University and the lead author of the Langmuir paper.
“This kind of screening is usually done in the pharmaceutical industry with live cells, but our device offers a simpler alternative,” Roisn Owens of Cambridge, and senior author of the ACS Nano paper. Said. “This method is compatible with high-throughput screening and can reduce the number of false positives into the R&D pipeline,” Owens said.
The device is as small as the size of a human cell and can be easily assembled into an array, allowing scientists to make multiple measurements at the same time, both papers with Cambridge and co-lead author Anna-Maria. Says Pappa.
Scientists say they will focus on creating viral membranes and fusing with chips, considering the significant risks associated with researchers working on the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2. ..
The viral membrane is identical to the SARS-CoV-2 membrane but does not contain viral nucleic acid. In this way, researchers say they can identify new drugs or antibodies to neutralize the viral spikes used to gain entry into the host cell.
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