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Cutting out salt lowers risk of heart disease

Cutting out salt lowers risk of heart disease


28 November 2022 – Simply limiting salt shakes at your table may lower your risk of heart disease, new research suggests.

Using less salt seems to have the greatest effect on two types of heart disease: heart failure and ischemic heart disease, also known as arteriosclerosis, which slows blood flow to the heart. However, this study found that limiting salt intake did not affect stroke risk.

A new study from the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Tulane University in New Orleans announced today: Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

“Overall, we found that people who did not add a small amount of salt to their diet had a significantly lower risk of heart disease, regardless of lifestyle factors or pre-existing conditions,” said co-author Lu Qi. Professor, MD, PhD, Tulane.

no need to completely eliminate

This is good news. That’s because it suggests that simply adding less salt to food, rather than removing it entirely, can make a difference without making too big a sacrifice, Qi said in a statement.

Researchers found that even those who followed a DASH-style diet to lower blood pressure had an even lower risk of heart disease when they reduced salt at the table.

DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, and those who follow DASH focus on foods rich in protein, calcium, potassium, fiber, and magnesium, and avoid foods high in sodium, added sugars, and saturated fat.

People who added less salt to the table and followed the DASH diet had the lowest risk of heart disease among those studied, researchers said.

Researchers found an even stronger link between adding salt to food and heart disease risk if people were current smokers or of low social and economic status.

Conflicting results

There is already plenty of evidence linking high sodium with hypertension, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. But it’s been difficult for researchers to know how much salt people have been consuming over the years, so studies looking at this association have yielded conflicting results.

a previous research The same research team found that people who added salt to their food had a higher risk of premature death from any cause and often had a shorter life expectancy. It focuses on how it affects the risk of heart disease.

For this study, researchers looked at 176,570 people from the UK Biobank database who had no cardiovascular disease at the start of the study. They were asked about how often they add salt to food, except for the salt used in cooking. occasionally; always; or always.

They also asked if their diet had changed significantly in the past 5 years and were asked to recall what they had eaten and drank in the past 24 hours.

Researchers analyzed cardiac events through medical history, hospitalization data, questionnaire responses, and death record data.

Sara Ghoneim, MD, a gastroenterology fellow at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, wrote in an editorial that the study holds promise for people in both high-income and low-income countries.

β€œThe Economic Burden of Cardiovascular Disease [cardiovascular disease] It is substantial and its prevalence continues to increase,” she wrote.

Ghoneim said a shortcoming of the study was that people were asked to report their salt use and that they were taken from a UK database, and that other populations would have the same results. is unknown.




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