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After fear of ‘triple disease’, RSV trending down as flu and COVID recover

After fear of ‘triple disease’, RSV trending down as flu and COVID recover


angels – At least one of the three viruses circulating in the United States appears to be on the decline, despite fears of a possible “triple infection.”

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cases appeared to have peaked in mid-November and are now declining, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.

But with so many people infected, there are not enough people to catch the virus, he said. — However, recent data are incomplete.

RSV appeared much earlier than usual in the season and seemed likely to continue, especially as beds were filled in pediatric hospitals.

However, while influenza cases continue to rise, RSV has been steadily declining, and COVID-19 infections have increased after several months of stability.

Dr. John Braunstein, Chief Innovation Officer at Children’s Hospital Boston, said: An ABC News contributor said, “The virus will spread, but the infection will subside at some point, as part of that surge, as the susceptible hosts are exhausted.”

Braunstein said RSV cases surged in the past two years because children born during lockdowns and pandemics were not exposed to the virus.

But with so many people infected, there are not enough people to catch the virus, he said.

“So it wouldn’t be surprising to see some kind of recession,” said Braunstein. “Now I think it remains to be seen if the recession will be permanent or if it will surge again this winter.”

While some of the big impacts of RSV may be over, the same cannot be said for the flu or COVID-19.

Over the past four weeks, the number of weekly flu cases has increased from 16,081 to 35,704, according to CDC data. Meanwhile, during the same period, his weekly COVID-19 infections increased from 281,270 to 455,466, data show.

Neither is unexpected given cases have historically increased after Thanksgiving for the past two years of the pandemic, as people flocked to crowded indoor spaces without mitigation measures, Braunstein said. said.

“We are fully aware that Thanksgiving will be a catalyst for a massive super-spreading event, and that’s exactly what happened,” he said. We are about to see a second major super-spread event as part of , and as a result we will have to see how these viral cycles unfold.”

Brownstein also theorized another reason for the surge in influenza and COVID-19, but the decline in RSV was known as viral interference, which prevents one virus from infecting another. or when decreasing.

This means that while RSV was widespread, it may have helped prevent infection from other viruses.

“We don’t know for sure, but one theory is that our immune systems have already been activated by RSV, giving no room for other viruses to enter,” he said. A downward shift in , potentially giving other viruses more room to move forward, is where we see an increase in influenza and COVID.”

But no matter which virus is circulating, Braunstein says the message is the same: if people get vaccinated and haven’t been vaccinated against flu or COVID-19, they should get vaccinated. said it is.

As of Thursday, only 14.1% of Americans age 5 and older have received a renewed bivalent booster.

“There are only nine days until Christmas,” he said. “We’re addressing people entering the holiday season. There’s still time to get that protection. It’s the most people can do right now.”

Copyright © 2022 ABC News Internet Ventures.




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