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Light pollution can ruin teen sleep and contribute to mental disorders, says research


(CNN) — Good night — do you turn off or hide all your smartphone and computer lights in the bedroom at night?

Keeping the light out of the room and keeping your body in sleep mode is one of the first things sleep professionals instruct you to do for a better sleep. Now you may want to use blackout curtains also on the windows of your bedroom-especially for the children of your home.

New research, Published on Wednesday The journal JAMA Psychiatry found that adolescents who live in areas with high levels of artificial light outdoors at night have less sleep and are more likely to have mood disorders than teens who live at low levels of outdoor light.

Research has long studied the relationship between indoor artificial light and mental health, but few studies specifically looked at the effects of outdoor artificial light on teens, and this is the first study of its kind, “Potentially long-term effects on mental and physical health.”

“Ambient light exposure is only one factor in the more complex network of sleep and behavioral effects, but it is likely to be an important target for adolescent health prevention and intervention.” , Co-researcher and principal investigator in the Statement of Genetic Epidemiology Research Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health in a statement.

Lack of sleep in teens

A 24-hour circadian clock called the circadian rhythm is disrupted by changes in sleep patterns and sleep disorders, affecting both physical and mental health. Science associates drowsiness with the risk of high blood pressure, weakened immunity, weight gain, lack of libido, diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and some cancers.

Sleep disorders and circadian rhythm disturbances are also associated with certain mental disorders, including bipolar disorder, mood swings, paranoia and anxiety.

Secretion of the sleep hormone melatonin begins in the dark. Studies have shown that the body slows or stops the production of melatonin when exposed to light.

Teens and teens need more than 9 hours of sleep a night, but due to the attractiveness of today’s social media and smartphone technologies and the sleeping habits, it’s unlikely they’ll get enough rest. It is the lowest.

According to a Sleep in America poll, more than 90% of American high school students are chronically sleep deprived and 20% take less than 5 hours a night.

according to Investigation Sleep deprivation at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention allows teens to perform at least 9 hours or more of dangerous behavior per night, such as drinking, texting while driving, or texting when not wearing a seat belt or helmet Will be taken.

Previous the study In teen sleep, it was found that less than 8 hours a night was also associated with obesity, migraine, sexual activity, substance abuse, lack of exercise, feelings of depression, thoughts of suicide.

Studying for teens over 10

New research provides data on mental health problems and sleep patterns National Co-morbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement, The first government study designed to obtain nationally representative estimates of the type and prevalence of mental disorders in American teens.

The study analyzed data on adolescents aged 13 to 18 recorded between 2001 and 2004. A teenager completed a sleep and mental health questionnaire and cross-referenced the average artificial light levels at home and results collected via satellite images.

Urban teens with high levels of artificial outdoor light not only were unable to fall asleep later, but were also more likely to have mood and anxiety disorders. Specifically, studies found that teenagers exposed to higher light levels were more likely to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder or certain phobias.

The study found that there were also racial and socioeconomic disparities. The level of artificial lighting at night changed due to factors such as population density and socioeconomic conditions. Migrants and teenagers of racial or ethnic minority groups who lived in low-income households were more likely to live in areas with high levels of outdoor lighting at night.

“These findings demonstrate the importance of considering wider exposures at both environmental and individual levels in the study of mental health and sleep,” said Diana, postdoctoral researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health. -Mr. Paksarian said in a statement.

This story was first published on Light pollution can ruin teen sleep and contribute to mental disorders, says research

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