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What is the safest and correct way to take insulin and avoid a sugar crash? What should diabetics do in winter?


Excessive use of insulin can cause hypoglycemia, a condition in which blood sugar levels are dangerously low. Depending on a person’s weight, sensitivity to insulin, and other variables, insulin doses can be lethal. From Dr. Sanjay Agarwal, Physician and Senior Diabetologist at Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune and Board Member of the National Diabetes Research Association of India, he needs to know how to administer insulin.

How can incorrect insulin administration adversely affect blood sugar levels?

The hormone insulin controls blood sugar levels in the body. This is very important for people with diabetes because their bodies either don’t make enough insulin or don’t use it efficiently. It can cause blood sugar. Depending on a person’s weight, sensitivity to insulin, and other variables, insulin doses can be lethal. It’s important to remember that taking too much insulin can cause severe hypoglycemia, which can lead to seizures, coma, and sometimes death.

It is important to check your blood sugar frequently and follow your doctor’s instructions when using insulin. It is important to keep track of the amount of insulin administered and adhere to the recommended dosage.

If you think you’ve taken too much insulin, or if you have symptoms of hypoglycemia such as confusion, tremors, sweating, or weakness, it’s important to seek immediate medical attention.

How can I safely administer insulin?

1. Do not mix two types of insulin in one syringe unless specifically instructed to do so. In addition, it is specified which insulin to create first. Always use that sequence.

2. The amount of each insulin you need is specified by your doctor. You need to add these two numbers. The syringe must contain this amount of substance before injecting insulin.

3. Wash your hands with warm water and soap. Make sure they are completely dry.

4. Check the label on your insulin container. Make sure you have the right insulin.

5. Make sure there are no lumps on the sides of the bottle containing the insulin. If so, get a new bottle and throw away the old one.

6. Insulin should be administered at room temperature. If stored in a refrigerator or cooler bag, remove 30 minutes before infusion. Insulin vials can be stored at room temperature for 28 days after first use. Collect essentials such as insulin, syringes, needles, alcohol wipes, containers for discarded syringes and needles.

7. Check for overall accuracy of insulin doses. Place the syringe being careful not to let the needle touch anything.

8. Pinch the skin before inserting the needle at a 45 degree angle.

9. Depending on the thickness of the skin tissue, it may be possible to inject 90 degrees up and down. Check with your doctor before doing this.

10. Fully insert the needle into the skin. Release the pinched skin.

11. Infuse slowly and continuously until the insulin is fully absorbed.

12. Hold the syringe for 5 seconds after administering the drug.

What if this doesn’t work?

High doses of long-acting insulin can have effects as early as 24 hours after administration. Depending on the amount of overdose, hypoglycemic attacks can be prevented. If you consume carbohydrates to raise blood sugar levels and overdose, such as double intake, is serious, contact your medical team or after-hours services for guidance. If your overdose is not too serious, say you overdose by up to 5 units, eat more carbs than you normally would and keep your blood sugar higher than average for the next 24 hours to avoid hypoglycemia. We strive to maintain our values.

Test frequently throughout the day and if you suspect your levels may be dropping. Eat lots of carbs before bed. It is preferable to wake up with a higher blood sugar level than to risk your blood sugar becoming dangerously low overnight. If you are unsure, call your medical team or after-hours services.

Blood sugar spikes in winter

People often refrain from regular physical activity such as yoga, exercise, and morning and evening walks during the winter months, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels.

Raynaud’s phenomenon, an autoimmune disease, should also be understood by diabetics. Blood vessels in the extremities constrict mainly in cold weather. Numbness and cold hands and feet are part of its symptoms.

As the weather gets colder, people are increasing their sugar intake and incorporating Indian food into their diets. Increased sugar intake can cause blood sugar levels to spike, making it difficult for diabetics. It’s normal to feel sluggish in the winter, but people with prediabetes and diabetes should never stop exercising regularly.

Why do diabetics have bone pain in winter?

When a joint degenerates due to nerve damage, it is known as a shahr-koh joint and is a common consequence of diabetes. It primarily affects the feet, resulting in numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation. there is. They can become unstable, deformed, heated, reddened and swollen. Although it looks painful, the affected joint may not.

Osteoporosis is a condition that makes bones brittle and increases the risk of fractures. People with type 1 diabetes are more likely to develop osteoporosis. Symptoms of osteoporosis in the early stages are rare. As the condition progresses, it can eventually endure a loss of height, a hunched posture, or bone shattering.

Osteoarthritis is a joint condition that results in degeneration of articular cartilage. Any joint in the body can be affected. Obesity, a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, increases the risk of osteoarthritis in people with type 2 diabetes. Osteoarthritis can cause joint discomfort, stiffness, loss of flexibility and movement.




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