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Three cups of coffee a day lowers blood pressure

Three cups of coffee a day lowers blood pressure


Two men sitting on stairs with drinks in mugs. Share on Pinterest
A new study found that drinking three or more cups of coffee each day significantly lowered blood pressure. MoMo Productions/Getty Images
  • A new study found that drinking three or more cups of coffee can lower blood pressure.
  • Caffeine can raise blood pressure, so it is generally advised not to drink too much coffee.
  • However, coffee also contains certain compounds that lower blood pressure.
  • This study provides evidence that moderate coffee consumption may be safe for people with high blood pressure.

New research published in the journal nutrients Drinking three or more cups of coffee daily has been reported to lower peripheral and central blood pressure.

According to the study’s lead author, AS Dr. Arrigo FG CiceroAssociate Professor, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Peripheral and central blood pressure are markers of arteriosclerosis and aging.

of elderly with high blood pressurelarge arteries tend to be stiffer, leading to systolic pressure (the top number on the blood pressure reading) and wider pulse pressure (the difference between the top and bottom numbers).

In their report, the authors say that the effects of coffee on blood pressure are still under debate, mainly because coffee’s caffeine content is known to raise blood pressure in the short term.

However, these effects may be ameliorated by the antioxidants found in coffee. This antioxidant helps dilate blood vessels and protect cells from free radicals.

Cicero and his team wanted to investigate how interactions between caffeine and other compounds found in coffee affect the incidence of blood pressure.

To conduct the study, Cicero’s team examined a sample that included 720 men and 783 women who were participants in the Brisighella Heart Study.

First started in 1972, this ongoing study includes a randomized sample representative of a rural northern Italian town called Brisighella.

Researchers examined participants’ blood pressure and coffee-drinking habits, as well as a selection of other data related to cardiovascular health.

Analysis of the data found that coffee consumption was associated with lower blood pressure.

“Trend looks positive from 2 [cups of] coffee a day,” said Cicero. “Therefore, if there is concern that coffee may raise blood pressure, coffee drinking should not be a priori prohibited in current coffee drinkers.”

Megan K. RoseA postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Nephrology, University of Alabama, Birmingham School of Medicine, there are several mechanisms by which coffee consumption lowers blood pressure, some of which have been demonstrated in animal studies.

“Coffee contains caffeine, which can raise or lower acute blood pressure, but it also contains antioxidants and bioactive compounds that may be responsible for its blood pressure-lowering effect. I have,” she explained.

Rhoads provided chlorogenic acid as an example of a compound that can lower systolic blood pressure in rats.

“When processed by the gut microbiota, chlorogenic acid is broken down into metabolites that can increase nitric oxide bioavailability and lower blood pressure.”

Dr. Devabratha MukherjeeChief of Internal Medicine and Professor of Internal Medicine at Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso.The bioactive compounds in coffee counteract this effect, ultimately resulting in a neutral to positive effect on BP. “

Chlorogenic acid, the most abundant compound in coffee beans, is thought to be one of the main compounds in coffee that lowers blood pressure, according to Mukherjee. Quercetin may also play a role.

Dr. Jim LiuHe is a cardiologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

“Coffee can raise blood pressure sharply after consumption, but there is actually no consistent evidence to show that moderate coffee consumption leads to long-term problems with high blood pressure or heart disease in general.

“For hypertensives who drink moderate amounts of coffee, this study provides more encouraging data that continuing to drink moderate amounts of coffee is fine and does not adversely affect blood pressure.” , moderate coffee consumption may help with blood pressure,” Liu said.

Moderate consumption is equivalent to four to five cups of coffee, Mukherjee added, but it’s not recommended for people with severe hypertension.

of American Heart Association It is recommended to avoid “too much” coffee, as coffee can raise blood pressure. It can also cause sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, and anxiety.




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